Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Why Wont My Leg Stop Twitching


Today comes the news from Afghanistan on 25 September, a drone , an unmanned aircraft that would have identified the hideout of the leader of al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the Egyptian Sheikh Fateh al-Misri, who later was killed by a missile launched from the same drone .
Sheikh Fateh al-Misri was considered the successor of Mustafa Abu al-Yazir in turn killed by a missile launched from a Predator last May.

The Predator is an unmanned aircraft (or UAV - unmanned aerial vehicle) produced by General Atomics , an American company that has seen its skyrocketing stock prices thanks to this particular aircraft.
With a piston engine of just over 100 HP and its lines despite reading the Predator is an aircraft in terms of sophisticated and highly sophisticated aircraft avionics and instruments for reconnaissance.
In fact it is a reconnaissance drone that, thanks to a satellite data link , is able to perform long-range reconnaissance without endangering the life of a crew, flying at an altitude of 7000 meters in 200 kmh for a very long time that can come even at 18 hours.

The feature of the Predator, despite its apparent fragility, which can be armed with air-to-ground Hellfire missiles capable of hitting targets with precision, however small.
HELLFIRE literally hellfire , is the acronym of HEL icopter L aunced FI king and fo R g E t missile (fire and forget missile elilanciato) where fire and forget means that once inserted via databus parameters pointing the missile reaches its target thanks to a navigation system and self-pointing.
The air-ground Hellfire missile, weighing 50 kilos do, has a relatively low cost of production and is used by a dozen armed forces, including Italy, born as a weapon against tank is being built in numerous versions and variants .
In Afghanistan, Hellfire missiles are mounted on Predator CIA until last year had given to Blackwater (Xe hours) - the largest company contractors in the world, an army private practice - the task of managing and arm the drone dedicated to finding and destroying hideouts of Taliban leaders and their physical elimination.

The use of Predator, with other military assets both ground and air, has allowed the destruction of well-camouflaged hiding places among the mountains unattainable, even in Pakistan, and the consequent elimination of numerous insurgents without putting troops at special large risks otherwise inevitable.
Like for example today, 28 September, in South Waziristan, in Pakistan, a Predator missile have eliminated four insurgents provoking the ire of the Pakistani government that rite , often called, has never taken military action to remove the concrete bases of the insurgents within its territories.

Unfortunately it happens that during these actions targeted also remain involved civilian casualties partly because the Taliban used to use as shelter homes whose residents, like it or not, are turned into human shields and for other random unpredictable.

addition to the U.S. and Britain also our Air Force uses for many years the Predator and our contingent in Afghanistan within the ISAF coalition base in Herat, makes extensive use of this airplane only performs reconnaissance missions, because the policy prescriptions imposed on our military does not provide for its use with weapons on board.

This is because in Afghanistan (and elsewhere) our troops acting always according to devices based on the utmost caution, to avoid collateral damage to civilians, damage that could have broken the complex task of co-operation with local civil institutions and to aid the newly formed Afghan armed forces, then these activities are the real purpose of the ISAF mission.
The result of this conservative choice is that no clear victims of civilians by our military actions and the fact that our troops have had very few losses in proportion to the number of military present in the theater - in third place after American and British - despite the continued commitment and hard they are subject.

Therefore q hen dawn on September 17 an Italian Predator has framed the action of four insurgents who places an IED has done all he could do: send pictures Herat has alerted a group of tactical T ask Force 45 * aboard a CH47 transport helicopter escorted by two Mangusta attack helicopters.
During this operation - as is now well known - is killed the captain of the Col Moschin Alexander and the Romans Corporal Elio Rapisarda, the same department, was injured.
Rumor only then would the two Mangusta neutralized the core of Taliban fire, which was perched in a small building, using the on-board weapons (rockets, missiles and a gun barrel by rotating 20 mm). According to the same sources, the building would be destroyed and killed the insurgents, did not appear there were civilian casualties, but at that moment who was able to determine the presence of civilians in that building?
It 'very possible that the Predator has filmed the whole action, but the picture, if any, will surely be classified by ministerial directives.

As would have happened if the Predator of our Air Force had been armed?
You can not make history with but surely if you can simulate a different scenario.
The moment that framed the action of the Taliban with his camera and its sensors could neutralize the armed Predator instantly obtaining the same result that was sent to the operational core of Task Force 45, but without running any risk to our miliatri.

The Predator armed with Hellfire would prevent the activation a complex and expensive device consists of a CH47 transport helicopter with at least five crew members on board with an unknown number of raiders and two Mangusta with four men, but especially the action would get the same result without exposing our rangers and crews of the helicopters risks related to an intervention so dangerous .
addition, the Taliban would have been eliminated in an open space at the same time acting , giving them no time to hide building and organizing, in the time between recognition and entry into operation of the device, what in effect seems to have been an ambush, using also the possible presence of civilians as a defensive shield.

But our armed Predator is not because the Italian government fears the negative fallout from a political and media for any civilian casualties. For the same reason our aircraft AMX only make out reconnaissance and are only armed with 20 mm cannon.
So if one of our patrols on the ground would need air support to get out of some bad situation that could give support, as indeed seems to have already occurred and if available, of other air forces of the ISAF coalition.
In short, our contingent in Afghanistan despite having adequate means for the field of military operations in low-risk and high efficiency can not use them for caveat government, although the mission of ISAF is very different from that of Enduring Freedom and repeat, systematically organized to mandate actions to eliminate the greatest number of Taliban leaders.
ISAF along with the Afghan armed forces aims instead to secure the territory as far as possible to avoid the fighting, when there were, however have seen our soldiers do their job with great ability, for Therefore, during the Typical missions of ISAF contingent for involving civilians are much smaller than the missions of Operation Enduring Freedom.
We believe that the main task of our government should be to expose to unnecessary risks our soldiers by giving them the opportunity to make best use of the means provided to comply with the international mandate was ratified by our Parliament, and for the objectives of this mandate and to arm our Predator AMX does not automatically mean expose Afghan civilians to new risks.
And this without fear because our military has always shown great balance in fulfilling their duty and responsibility.

(*) Task Force 45 is the generic name of the Italian special forces who
work in Afghanistan, the nucleus often ISAF said in the press for his ability and his success "secret."
mission in which Task Force 45 is called "Sarissa" as the Macedonian long spear. The department is made up of men from the 9th Regiment Col Moschin, the Comsubinwho of MM, by the Air Commandos and GIS Carabinieri working together with the ranger Parachute Regiment of Alpine. Montecervino.
For obvious reasons, the information on the consistency of Task Force 45 and their activities are classified.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Cartoon Maxine Healthcare


The death of Lt. Col Moschin the 9th Roman Alexander in Afghanistan and the elections of September 18 remind me of a small controversy aroused by my facebook comment on an article on the Afghan situation published by the International and written by Noam Chomsky (*).
My partner - a member of the radical left that I admire and appreciate for its honesty - has panned dialogue with these words ". .. the Taliban are an invention of the West."
affirmation that is to say that the Viet Cong were invented by marines!
is certainly not denigrating the West as the cause of the ills of the world that things will get better in Afghanistan and elsewhere.
Despite all its inconsistencies the West - or if you prefer the western democracies of inspiration - are the places where any human being, if you could choose, would be born and live.
mujahedeen confuse the Taliban with means to have a superficial knowledge of the Afghan situation.
The Taliban have been invented ISI (the Pakistani intelligence services), after the Soviet withdrawal, no longer able to govern the various groups of mujahedeen fight amongst themselves have decided to take direct action to control Afghanistan.
only now they realize that Afghanistan was invaded by the Soviets, not only for political reasons or for its strategic location but also for its mineral resources, measured over a billion dollars, resources that are not manageable from Afghanistan to the total lack of administrative systems.

The first act of the historically proven project management control of Pakistan through Afghanistan to religious fundamentalism has been the attack on the stronghold of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar mujahedeen officially won by 200 Taliban from Koranic madrassas in Pakistan but in reality with the support of the artillery troops of the Pakistan border.
Incidentally Gulbuddin Hekmatyar - double agent for excellence - is one of the greatest ruffians living, personally known to brag of having slashed with vitriol many women in line with the directives Koran and have purified religious Kabul with a barrage of artillery cost at least 25 000 deaths.
The moment that invented the Pakistani Taliban is made, however, soon realize they have fueled a devastating cancer, totally unmanageable.
Today Taliban in the historical sense of the term are endangered, so much so that in the language of ISAF and Enduring Freedom, the term Taliban is increasingly being replaced with the term insurgent.
M of whether it is changed the name is certainly not changed the objectives: to manage the power and wealth by exploiting the Afghan religious fundamentalism at the expense of infidels, that is, whether we like it or not we all Western democratic , including Chomsky and followers!
Even the resignation of Pervez Musharraf, accused of having ordered the assassination of Benazir Bhutto's assassination have reduced the role of the ISI overflowing, while the new president Asif Ali Zardari - the husband of the leader killed in the attack of 27 December 2007 - knows that if he loses the support of the West and the money his office would become even more shaky than it and because of its ambiguous past, the infighting and the economic situation, exacerbated by the recent catastrophic floods.
The other reason that led to the irreversible disappearance of the Taliban is the new strategy implemented since 2006 through a confluence of unreported military objectives of Operation Enduring Freedom, and some nations with a strong role in ISAF and of which Parliament in the second part of this digest.
The Taliban, like the warlords in Somalia and Hezbollah in Lebanon, using civilians as a shelter and agglomerations of civilians as a shield, this is the main reason for the so-called collateral damage, ie tragic involvement of civilians during military actions.
But despite that, between approximately 2000 deaths of Afghan civilians in 2008, only 350 are certainly due to collateral damage as a result of military operations of Enduring Freedom and ISAF, the others are the result of actions terrorism of Islamic fundamentalists against the civilian population not willing to cooperate with them.
In Afghanistan there are two military realities: Enduring Freedom, created after September 11, constituted mainly by British and U.S. Armed Forces and ISAF (International Security Force, Army).
While Enduring Freedom has the stated goal the elimination by military means Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and its followers and supporters, a goal achieved by the escape of Mullah Omar at the end of November 2001, ISAF's goals and objectives are different .
The International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) mission is to support the Afghan government that operates on the basis of a UN resolution ..
is composed of an international force, which employs about 58,300 troops from some forty countries.
was set up on behalf of the Council UN Security December 20, 2001 with the task of supervising the capital Kabul and the nearby Bagram Air Base by the actions of the Taliban, elements of al Qaeda and supported by numerous bands of mercenaries from neighboring countries and beyond. The main purpose was to protect the transitional government led by Hamid Karzai to reach a government elected by democratic criteria.
During the first two years, the ISAF did not operate beyond the confines of Kabul city and only 13 October 2003, the UN Security Council voted to extend the mandate of ISAF to the rest Afghanistan.
On 24 October Bundestag (German parliament) approved the use of German troops in the region diKunduz, by sending 230 soldiers, used to be the first ISAF outside of Kabul.
On 11 August 2003, the ISAF command had been given an indefinite period by the UN to NATO, and this was his first assignment outside Europe and North America Alliance Atlantic.
NATO ISAF also operates through the activities of OMLT (Operational Mentoring and Liaison Teams) that is special departments that are responsible for training, even side by side in field operations, the corresponding commanders of the ANA (Afghan Nation Army) consisting of five corps.
One of these, the 207 ° is a mentorizzato OMLTitaliano governing instructors Italian, English and American base at Camp Bastion.

To better understand the functions of Mentors remember that Mentor, king of Tafi, who was the guardian Ulysses, starting for the Trojan War, he entrusted the education of his son Telemachus in his stead.
But this, of PRT and Task Force 45 and the role of Italy in the second part we will talk soon.

(*) Noam Chomsky and since the Vietnam War, the undisputed guru of the American left. Chomsky denigrating the West became rich and famous, thanks to the system he wants to destroy.

There is a

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Which Brand Is The Healthiest Yogurt


The chess genius Garry Kasparov condensate well in this game against one of the strongest Russian players of that period: Valery Salov. After an opening

seemingly quiet, Kasparov prepare the gimmick that will lead to some moves for a Horse "in taking" the crucial home d5.
Salov prefer to lose a pawn to avoid a difficult game center and calm the fury Combo world champion. But here he was mistaken: Kasparov is not enough and must be treated as divinely demonstrates similar positions.

The pure energy released by Kasparov in this game in my opinion is much more impressive and shows us that, if any were needed, as to become a world champion or top Grand Masters as they say today, it is necessary "not only play well at chess, but also impose their superior physical energy, which can translate into strong will to win, from cover to move.

Kasparov, Garry (2775) - Salov, Valery (2630) , [A34] World Cup
Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1989

3.Nc3 c5 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 b6 4.e4 d6 5.d4 cxd4 6.Cxd4 Ab7 7.De2 Cbd7 10.0-0 Qc7 8.g3 a6 TC8 9.Ag2 11.b3 e6 12 . Nd5!?

A Horse sacrifice that brings us back to ideas typical of the Sicilian Defence. It is a sacrifice "theme", even positional nothing concrete immediately, but a nasty piece of blacks poor coordination in case of acceptance: 12. .. Exd5 13.exd5 + Kd8, and the black king in the center of the chessboard with all pieces in the game makes it very vulnerable position.

12 ... DB8

Grandmaster Valery Salov of avoiding the complications against the great Garry, and indeed for the when the knight on d5 seems bearable because it does not attack anything that is not defended.


Kasparov persists in his knight sacrifice, trusting in this case favorably to the open position. In fact, one of White's ideas in case of acceptance of the piece demonstrates the merits of the sacrifice: 13 ... exd5 14.exd5 + Kd8 (14 ... Be7 15.Cf5) 15.Cc6 + Axc6 16.dxc6 Se5? 17.Dxe5

13. 14.Ag5 .. g6 17.e5 Bg7 15.Axf6 Cxf6 16.Cxb6 TD8!

A fantastic view of the game! Kasparov had won a pawn, but Black was preparing to settle down and his pair of Alfieri made it difficult to materialize of White's advantage. Here we have a violent and well-calculated typical central thrust, which aims to destroy Black's position before they perched.

17 ... Axg2 18.exf6 Axf6 19.Cxe6!

The naturalness and crystalline logic of Kasparov's moves, lead us to the crazy thought that we could play in the same way ...
Not so, because the apparent simplicity of the art behind it has a subtle, often difficult, work of preparation. We come here dazzled by the unbridled force of a single decisive move, but the work was created as a beautiful symphony, is often painful and not without difficult moments.

19 ... fxe6 20.Dxe6 + 21.c5 Be7!

The magic seal of the sample, as a final touch of Van Gogh, briefly explains the situation on the board.
much stronger 21.Te1 that would allow a greater resistance to Black after 21. .. DB7.
Kasparov opens more decisive lines of attack against the black king is not defended, and defends the knight on b6 en passant. Note that in the case of 21. .. Dxc5 is defended by the knight on e6 and Donna White could play the piece simply 22.Rxg2 recovering and maintaining all the conditions of attacks without risking anything.

21 ... Qc7 23.c6 Ab7 22.Te1!

a move of rare sophistication, which effectively puts into play the last piece still heavy sleeper: The Tower a1!

23 ... Axc6 24.Tac1 (Threat Txc6) 24 ... TD7 25.Cxd7 Dxd7 26.Dc4 Ab7 27.Dc7 TF8 28.Db8 29.Tc7 Rf7 +!

and Black surrendered.

One of my favorite games of Kasparov and one of the 10 games that I would take on a desert island ... 1-0

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Russianbare.com Picturs

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Online Calculator For Lock


Tony Miles (anagram: it's only me), was one of the most talented and adventurous British players.
was the first Grand Master of the United Kingdom, and in 1980 he succeeded to beat the World Champion Karpov with Black's inspired response to 1.e4 with 1. .. A6, causing a stir in the chess world.
Miles was a great expert in the "Dragon" in the "Sicilian Defence" variant subsequently ignored by the elite of the chess world, and recently put back into vogue by the world's No. 1, Magnus Carlsen.

Olympics Malta, again in 1980, played one of his "Dragon" most famous, from the Yugoslav grandmaster Ljubomir Lyubojevic after a great battle tactician.

is the game:

Ljubojevic - Miles (Malta 1980) Sicilian Defence ;

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 Nf6 4.Cxd4 5.Cc3 g6

Black opens a side panel (or "light a candle" as he put Esteban Canal) but that is not fairing any ... it comes to developing the dreaded black bishop of the houses, the soul of "dragon is taking shape.
Bg7 7.f3 0-0
6.Ae3 8.Dd2 9.Ac4 Nc6 Bd7 10.h4 h5 11.Ab3 TC8

With this move, the pawn is stopped "h" white, cast as a suicide bomber to open a gate nell'arrocco enemy. However, the Black touches one of the three pedestrians who protect his king, and this can cause trouble future. Similar variants play in this way, you have to have great confidence in their abilities and tactics, not a secondary fact, be in good mental and physical shape!

12.0-0-0 Se5 13.Ag5 TC5 CC4 14.f4 15. DD3

It is true that normally the White immediately change the insidious quadruped with the bishop on c4 b3. This leads, however, the advantages to the Black and White will always have to deal with the sacrifice supertematico .. Txc3. 15.Dd3 Ljubojevic's move is more ambitious.

... b5!? 16.e5

The best move. Capturing the pawn "b" would help the implementation of its Black counterplay sull'arrocco White, giving him the opportunity to demonstrate the dangerousness of the Horse in
c4: 16.Cdxb5 Cxb2! 17.Rxb2 Axb5 18.Cxb5 Cxe4 + or: 16.Ccxb5 Axb5 17.Cxb5 Cxb2!

16 ... f6 18.exd6 CG4 17.Ce4 TC8! 19.The1!?

The position becomes more and more complicated, and is the one that pointed Miles. The White with his latest move drew a massive centralization, and appears to be for the better. If Black accepts the sacrifice of Alfa in the Black g5 would be face to face with the victory, as in variant good 19. .. Fxg5 20.Cxg5 TF6 21.dxe7 De8 22.Cdf3! TC7 23.Dxd7! Txd7 24.Txd7 Dxd7 25.e8 = Q
But the dragon has many surprises ...

19 ... exd6 20.Cxd6 Rh7 21.f5


... Cxd6 22.fxg6 + RH8 23.Af4 Se5! 24.Axe5 fxe5 25.Cf3 e4!

The pawn on f6 so is turning into an unexpected hero.

26.Dxd6 exf3

E ' returned to the column "f" but now is ready to give the coup de grace!


The location was out of hand, however, the Great Master Slavic, which now allows you to Miles and forced a dramatic closed. If 27.gxf3 Bf5 and Black would still be passed to carry the ball.

27 ... Bg4 28.De5

The White threatens mate by all parties. On 28. .. Axe5 29.Th7 crazy. But unfortunately for him the move is for the Black
The dragon, wounded and bleeding, assess the lethal backlash.

... Dxd1 +! Fxg2 29.Rxd1 + 30.Rd2 + Tfd8 31.Ad5 Txd5 +! And White left 0-1

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Online Virtual Games Where You Can Get Pregnant


My secret dream is to have a driver, I just always leave the driving to someone because I have not lost the habit of looking out the window and infant store, criticizing the things I see.
airplane and train sgom to be on the side of the window, proposing during the trip also trade in place from side to side, without any shame.
The landscape is a dimension of mind even before the environment. Among
I remember the many trips from the Rimini airport transfer to the Alps for a transaction of SAR (Search and Rescue) on board a helicopter HH3F Air Force.
The helicopter was flying low and skimming the peaks of the woods, I was placed in a comfortable swivel chair that HH3F is on the right side, before a large window-panes, I think the place of the gunner, but that in certain situations like the one I lived could be worth more than a stage at La Scala during his lifetime, when I live these moments very little use the camera or the camera, overwhelmed by an uncontrollable selfishness consider what I see as a privilege. When

I arrived in Abruzzi, I was struck by the beauty of the landscape but also repelled by a heavy human activity that is sullying the sink and making it increasingly more negative in the south, made of nasty stories always coincide with the exploitation of the underworld territory and insults to the landscape.
The scenery is all, like water and air, and must be protected.
citizenship and the protection of the environment and landscape and should be taught in schools but often arise in the midst of pseudo-infested fields of weeds and rubbish bins as used in the open, by students and faculty.
The landscape, as well as a dimension of the spirit also becomes a litmus test of honesty places and civic education of the people who inhabit it.
managers and directors.

Even when I was on Svalbard to shoot this documentary I have spent hours and hours in the airplane window while parading iceberg, sea and clouds, and even then the sea, icebergs and clouds.
And as I traveled for hours by snowmobile, with a survival kit for two days and a 30.30 rifle for an attack of some hungry bear distracted me constantly, pausing and looking around, arousing the ire of the guide.

The North Pole of my childhood dreams was in my shoes but in essence very different from what I had dreamed and imagined, not a territory but a territory to be explored save. North Pole
size to no more extreme adventures, but the thermometer health of the planet.
In the liver of seals and bears is in the blood of such a quantity of arsenic and toxic products that you wonder how it is possible.
The "civilized world" is thousands of miles away, so far here that if you have a small problem, you are literally doomed, but the pollution is there, around you, snow, air and sea, such as withdrawals blood in these animals confirm this.

for a few years short of the Arctic polar bears and some seals live their lives without ever having seen and smelled a human being, that strange biped who established their end without ever having seen their habitat and without asking a few questions about it.
why the ice of the pole are fragile, like life that offend human nature and despise the "landscape" deeper and deeper into the void.

If you want to watch the video:
http://tv.repubblica.it/le-inchieste/viaggio-tra-i-fragili-ghiacci-del-polo-nord/48298?video=&pagefrom = 1

Friday, September 3, 2010

Yellow Brown Civeval Mucus

It is obvious that I'm trying to make me forgive the long absence.

So now I want to give visitors to the Gentiles what I personally consider this a Pearl

chess, and attempt to do justice to a little-known


Then I will come back to draw 1 / 2 articles per week, depending on the time available



The dark German player Hans Joerg Cordes, was the architect of a combination so amazing to annihilate the expert and sailed

Grandmaster Tony Miles, unforgettable new leader of the "ruling class" of British high-level chess. After an opening

complicated, where you already can see the creative verve of White, we arrive shortly after the tenth to move critical position.

What follows in a small series of four innocent moves is something difficult to describe. That day, in fact, the star of Cordes, the light of
his inspiration, has shone in 1000 alone, and probably within a few moves, they understood why it was started in the game of chess because he had no doubt
play this game!

Cordes, Hans Joerg - Miles, Anthony J [E20]

Bad Woerishofen op 1st, 1985 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4

e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 c5 5.g3 b6 4.Cf3 6.Ag2 Ab7 7.d5 exd5 8.Ch4 Ce4 + 9.Axe4 Axc3 11.Dd6 10.bxc3 dxe4!

Miles agrees to enter into a complicated position against a technically inferior opponent. It 's a choice but rarely do Grandmasters,
however, does him honor. To play a memorable game it takes two!

... f6 g6 12.Cf5

IlGrande English teacher must have played this move with the confidence of the great player who quietly accept a gratuitous attack ...

13.Ag5! A move

gargantuan! White has a piece taken in and now adds another! Let us dwell a moment on this position:
harmony created in connection between women, and the Bishop of the White Horse is comparable to the few artistic! Each piece loses
catch: if 13. .. Fxg5 14.De5 +, while if 13. .. Gxf5 14.Axf6 and the black woman did not escape.
Miles appeared in front of a bead of sweat, however, was a defense ....


Unica. On 13. .. Rf7 White was able to forcibly gain material: 13 ... Rf7 14.Ch6 15.Cg4 + RG7! TF8 (15 ... fxg5 16.De5 + Rf7 17.Ch6 18.Dxh8 Rf8 + +) + 16.Ah6]. Well, but now white's attack seems a dead end, everything is protected ...

14.De5 +!

The third piece in the socket! And this time his Majesty the Queen in person!
It is said that Miles appeared on the face of spots of various colors. If
13.Ag5 was a dazzling beauty, the fourteenth move
White is unprecedented, shocking. A resounding slap on the face! A stern warning to all those who do not consider chess art worthy!
Capturing the Woman would lead to mate in one with CD6. The king has to escape the attack but still ...

15.Cd6 Rf7 + Nc6 RG7 16.Cxb7 17.Dd5

[17.Dxe4 DB8 (17 ... Qc7 18.Df4! + -) 18.Cxc5 bxc5 19.Td1 TF7 20.Ae3 ±]

17 ... Qc7 20.f3 e3 19.h4 18.Cd6 fxg5 gxh4 21.Txh4 DD8 22.0-0-0 Qe7 + gxf5 23.Tdh1 Th8 24.Cf5 25.Dxf5 h5 26.Txh5 Txh5 27.Txh5 DE6 28.Tg5 + RH8

29.Df4 DH6 30.Tg8 + Rxg8 31.Dxh6 32.Dg6 Re8 + Rf8 33 . RG8 34.Dg5 DF6 + + + Rf7 35.Df5 and Black left 1-0

Thursday, September 2, 2010

How Many Inches Is Lauren London Weave


Sean Connery is about to make one of his famous bets in a casino

the Bahamas, but this time not in Baccarat, but the queen of the games: Roulette

Her Majesty.

not yet know (or cares if you know ...) about to be immortalized as

making a serious mistake, the kind of mistakes that we would not expect

by a man with the culture of the legendary ' Agent 007 with a license to kill, and instead

usually committed by those who fatten their annual financial statements

of casinos.

But what makes so unbecoming the world's most famous secret agent?

simply with a smile to your lips, a large amount bet on two dozen

, the first and second.

course wins, collect your winnings and sits at the chemin ....

Everything is normal you say .... not at all logic screams as well as those who

play to win! Bond has not taken any precautions in the event of withdrawal of

0, possibility that he would lose everything!

For example, if we wanted to invest € 200 for this type of game (first and second

dozen, 24 numbers) WE SHOULD ACT AS ':

Manque to 150 € (1 / 18) and 50 € at the sestina 19/24, for a total of 200 €

bet and the same 24 numbers covered.

see what happens if it comes 0: while Bond has lost everything, we went

much better! We lost the 50 € on the sestina and we were "imprisoned"

the 150 to € Manque, which simply means losing half in which they

retire, whether you leave them for the next shot.

we ask for the division, then we will return 75 €, that is not just a difference


We see instead what would happen if they win:

1) released an issue of the sestina: 50 x 5 = 250, 250 to 150 = 100 (winning).

2) released Manque: from 150 € losers we have to remove the 50 € of the sestina,

then 150-50 = 100 (winning).

Imagine the same for figures and understand that the biggest difference

are not peanuts.

Is that clear?

of errors of this type, and not just the casinos are full.

There are also more coarse, but there is no need to talk about it now. This

dissertation "film" does not in any way a solicitation

gambling! Brrrr horrible!

But if you really want to have it so this bet bored wife and ...

have already beaten James Bond!

Touchdown Celebrations And Showboating Banned


I'm sure it also Karpov, after playing 23. DD3 ..! Las Palmas in 1977 against Stephen Tata, has felt a slight jolt,

if not a warm shiver in its icy back. The fact is that we are human beings, and how it can be a cruel and ruthless "murderess of the board"

like Karpov in his tumultuous years, he also must have to a moment, just for a moment, danced into oblivion of the senses, before making this move masterpiece, a true pleasure for the aesthetic, that fine pick splits open and no way out of White's position.

Tatai Stefano was then at the height of his form, and when the "Death Warrant" for the Karpov match was in a confused position. A Stephen would probably be enough to settle a move to play the rest of the game on par with the great Karpov.

But it did not, and history (as we know), is written by the winners.

Tata - Karpov (Las Palmas 1977) - Opening English - A34 2.c4 Nf6 c4

1.Nf3 d5 3.Nc3 g6 5.g3 4.cxd5 Cxd5 6.Ag2 7.Da4 Bg7 + e6 Nc6 8.Cg5 9.Cge4 CB6 10.Db5 11.Ca4 c4 e5 0-0 12.Cxb6 axb6 13.Dxc4 14.Dc2

15.Db1 Nd4 f5 17.d3 e4 b5 16.Cc3! 18.Ae3 19.Cd1 b4 Re8 22.a3 Bg4 20.dxe4 fxe4 21.Axd4 Dxd4 23.Dc2 ................. DD3!

remember that Karpov is one who does brilliant moves only when the location is ripe for the combination, and there are other avenues to obtain an advantage

. In this famous game he performs this spectacular shot tactical advantage of the white king is not entrenched.

If he had not played that position was uncertain, for example, after 23. .. Tac8 24.Db3 + RH8 AF3 25.h3! 26.Axf3 exf3 27.Dxf3 bxa3 28.Txa3 DB4 + 29.Rf1
and who knows what would have happened.

24.exd3 As a

gentlman 800 Tatai accepts the sacrifice.
Its acceptance would not, however, brought the White in a bad way, for example: 24.Dd2 Db3 (24. .. Dxd2 Ted8 25.Rxd2 + 26.Re1)
25.0-0 Ted8 26.De3 Dxe3 27.Cxe3 Axe2 28. Tfe1 Bd3 b5 29.axb4 Txa1 30.Txa1 Axb2 31.Ta7 with the benefit of Black

24. .. Exd3 TE2 + 25.Rd2 +! 26. Rxd3 TD8 + 27.Rc4 + 28.Rxb4 Txc2 Tcd2 29.f3 Bd7 30.Ra5 + AF8 and white leaves.

the White King is spared execution, after it was lured into a network of crazy-sac.

The energy input in this game by Karpov Kasparov recalls at His Best!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How To Build Wooden Truck Ramps


Today I will come back, hopefully with some consistency, to publish some articles about
the first word of the title of the blog.

As for the second noun in fact, the research is finished, with fatigue and a certain satisfaction. You got it. Roulette is a game solved
step further, we pass to the poetry of chess. Chess
I must say that in recent months, connect to my favorite chess site,
Internet Chess Club, I attended many games of the strongest tournaments in the world; I admired the performance of the new Italian star Fabiano Caruana, called Fab Fab (the Fabulous Fabiano) star and the world for excellence, Magnus Carlsen and ... I am a little bored. Apart from the extraordinary playing technique of these samples in fact, in my view, in modern chess lacks the romance the past, and I do not speak of prehistory, but I would say that after the end of Kasparov and the advent of media bully computer powerful that they changed the approach to the game of chess, they have my eyes lost some appeal.

I present a particular game played in a particular place ...
I hope you enjoy it.
As I say to those who want to improve in this game: a game, an idea! "
If we can "to keep us" one idea to look at every game commented that, far from the analysis of computer (which of course is detrimental to 90% for the understanding of the position), then progress
develop in a natural and long lasting.

Caposciutti, Mauritius - Mantovani, Renzo [B06]
Saint Vincent Open 1998 1.e4

There are days that does not forget easily. I do not mean or shocking episodes of sudden happiness as vacuous ... I talk about physical and mental sensations permanent, related work, a painting, your own original idea that has remained unfinished when that comes out in your memory, you back to the same special feeling: he could be .... who knows what would have been if had perfected the idea. I would have the same feelings now or take it with me something different? Difficult to answer. But then ... it really worth it?

g6 2.d4 Bg7 1 ... c6 3.Nc3 d5 5.exd5 4.Ac4 b5 6.Ab3

A strange variant of opening that almost did not know before this game.

6 ... a5 9.a3 b4 7.Cce2 8.Cf3 cxd5!? bxa3

course 9. .. A4? 10.axb4 would have coffee in the square.

10.Txa3 11.Cf4 0-0 Nf6 13.0-0 e6 12.Ce5

The point is that walking on the side of White Women are static, while the middle and on the side of the Black King is very solido.In this type of situation, if allowed to stabilize and consolidate the long run Nero tend to be preferred by pressure above the line "b". The white if given the opportunity will then open the game violently, even at the cost of risk.

13 ... Cfd7

A typical maneuver of simplification across a series of devastating sacrifices. In hindsight it was better not to play this move.

14.Cxf7! Rxf7 15.Cxe6!

a sacrifice now leads to another! For this would have been natural as drinking a pineapple juice, but I, a laborer on the board, I had scourged the mind for more than half an hour to make the move # 14!

15 ... Rxe6 16.Dg4 + + TF5 17.Te1

At first I was fascinated by the move 17.De4 +, but then I saw 17. .. Se5!, And because I felt that my position was equipped with move after move, and I still had a number of cartridges to shoot, I did not want to lose the thread of the attack: the move that I wanted to run as soon as possible and that in my original idea was to establish the triumph of White, was in fact Axd5 with the entry in the Tower game a3.

18.Axd5 17 ... Rf7 +! Rf8 + Txd5 19.De6 20.Dxd5

Something gotta take! The dream of the White is about to come true ...

20 ... TA6

strength after the first sacrifice all the moves of black were unique. 21.Ag5 AF6 22.Ah6 23.Tf3 Bg7 + + TF6

24.Dd6 +?

Thinking now to win easily, but allowing instead to the Black a miraculous rescue! You win the prize of beauty 24.Ag5, leaving virtually Black Zugzwang, but short on time does not evaluate the position with the necessary calm: [24.Ag5! h6 (24 ... CA6 25.Te6 CB4 26.Axf6 Cxd5 27.Axd8 C7f6 28.Td6 + + -) 25.Axf6 Axf6 26.Te6 RG7 27.Tfxf6]


24 ... [24 ... Rf7 25.Axg7 Txf3 26.Ah6!]

25.Txf6 Dxf6 [25 ... Axf6 26.De6 27.Df7 RH8 +] 26.Te8 + + Rf7 27.Dxf6 Axf6 28.Txc8 Axd4

The White's advantage is reduced to a minimum, and the pieces are lighter blacks coordinated with each other for a microgram!

29.Af4 CA6 30.Ta8 Cdc5 31.c3 Re6 33.b4 + AF6 32.Ta7

Both were very strong in time-trouble and had to come to move n.40. One thing that I was just born to lose the pawn on b2 and final ...

33 ... Nd5 axb4 34.cxb4 Cxb4 35.Txh7 36.Ad2

Grandmaster Michele Godena sign when he saw the draw in this position scolded me. White has a slight advantage for him and I had to torture the International Master Varese for a couple of hours, mainly because they do not risk anything. Agreed in principle, but I was literally drained from the effort produced and disappointed for not having completed the most of my attack. ½ - ½