Monday, September 20, 2010

Cartoon Maxine Healthcare


The death of Lt. Col Moschin the 9th Roman Alexander in Afghanistan and the elections of September 18 remind me of a small controversy aroused by my facebook comment on an article on the Afghan situation published by the International and written by Noam Chomsky (*).
My partner - a member of the radical left that I admire and appreciate for its honesty - has panned dialogue with these words ". .. the Taliban are an invention of the West."
affirmation that is to say that the Viet Cong were invented by marines!
is certainly not denigrating the West as the cause of the ills of the world that things will get better in Afghanistan and elsewhere.
Despite all its inconsistencies the West - or if you prefer the western democracies of inspiration - are the places where any human being, if you could choose, would be born and live.
mujahedeen confuse the Taliban with means to have a superficial knowledge of the Afghan situation.
The Taliban have been invented ISI (the Pakistani intelligence services), after the Soviet withdrawal, no longer able to govern the various groups of mujahedeen fight amongst themselves have decided to take direct action to control Afghanistan.
only now they realize that Afghanistan was invaded by the Soviets, not only for political reasons or for its strategic location but also for its mineral resources, measured over a billion dollars, resources that are not manageable from Afghanistan to the total lack of administrative systems.

The first act of the historically proven project management control of Pakistan through Afghanistan to religious fundamentalism has been the attack on the stronghold of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar mujahedeen officially won by 200 Taliban from Koranic madrassas in Pakistan but in reality with the support of the artillery troops of the Pakistan border.
Incidentally Gulbuddin Hekmatyar - double agent for excellence - is one of the greatest ruffians living, personally known to brag of having slashed with vitriol many women in line with the directives Koran and have purified religious Kabul with a barrage of artillery cost at least 25 000 deaths.
The moment that invented the Pakistani Taliban is made, however, soon realize they have fueled a devastating cancer, totally unmanageable.
Today Taliban in the historical sense of the term are endangered, so much so that in the language of ISAF and Enduring Freedom, the term Taliban is increasingly being replaced with the term insurgent.
M of whether it is changed the name is certainly not changed the objectives: to manage the power and wealth by exploiting the Afghan religious fundamentalism at the expense of infidels, that is, whether we like it or not we all Western democratic , including Chomsky and followers!
Even the resignation of Pervez Musharraf, accused of having ordered the assassination of Benazir Bhutto's assassination have reduced the role of the ISI overflowing, while the new president Asif Ali Zardari - the husband of the leader killed in the attack of 27 December 2007 - knows that if he loses the support of the West and the money his office would become even more shaky than it and because of its ambiguous past, the infighting and the economic situation, exacerbated by the recent catastrophic floods.
The other reason that led to the irreversible disappearance of the Taliban is the new strategy implemented since 2006 through a confluence of unreported military objectives of Operation Enduring Freedom, and some nations with a strong role in ISAF and of which Parliament in the second part of this digest.
The Taliban, like the warlords in Somalia and Hezbollah in Lebanon, using civilians as a shelter and agglomerations of civilians as a shield, this is the main reason for the so-called collateral damage, ie tragic involvement of civilians during military actions.
But despite that, between approximately 2000 deaths of Afghan civilians in 2008, only 350 are certainly due to collateral damage as a result of military operations of Enduring Freedom and ISAF, the others are the result of actions terrorism of Islamic fundamentalists against the civilian population not willing to cooperate with them.
In Afghanistan there are two military realities: Enduring Freedom, created after September 11, constituted mainly by British and U.S. Armed Forces and ISAF (International Security Force, Army).
While Enduring Freedom has the stated goal the elimination by military means Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and its followers and supporters, a goal achieved by the escape of Mullah Omar at the end of November 2001, ISAF's goals and objectives are different .
The International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) mission is to support the Afghan government that operates on the basis of a UN resolution ..
is composed of an international force, which employs about 58,300 troops from some forty countries.
was set up on behalf of the Council UN Security December 20, 2001 with the task of supervising the capital Kabul and the nearby Bagram Air Base by the actions of the Taliban, elements of al Qaeda and supported by numerous bands of mercenaries from neighboring countries and beyond. The main purpose was to protect the transitional government led by Hamid Karzai to reach a government elected by democratic criteria.
During the first two years, the ISAF did not operate beyond the confines of Kabul city and only 13 October 2003, the UN Security Council voted to extend the mandate of ISAF to the rest Afghanistan.
On 24 October Bundestag (German parliament) approved the use of German troops in the region diKunduz, by sending 230 soldiers, used to be the first ISAF outside of Kabul.
On 11 August 2003, the ISAF command had been given an indefinite period by the UN to NATO, and this was his first assignment outside Europe and North America Alliance Atlantic.
NATO ISAF also operates through the activities of OMLT (Operational Mentoring and Liaison Teams) that is special departments that are responsible for training, even side by side in field operations, the corresponding commanders of the ANA (Afghan Nation Army) consisting of five corps.
One of these, the 207 ° is a mentorizzato OMLTitaliano governing instructors Italian, English and American base at Camp Bastion.

To better understand the functions of Mentors remember that Mentor, king of Tafi, who was the guardian Ulysses, starting for the Trojan War, he entrusted the education of his son Telemachus in his stead.
But this, of PRT and Task Force 45 and the role of Italy in the second part we will talk soon.

(*) Noam Chomsky and since the Vietnam War, the undisputed guru of the American left. Chomsky denigrating the West became rich and famous, thanks to the system he wants to destroy.

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