My secret dream is to have a driver, I just always leave the driving to someone because I have not lost the habit of looking out the window and infant store, criticizing the things I see.
airplane and train sgom to be on the side of the window, proposing during the trip also trade in place from side to side, without any shame.
The landscape is a dimension of mind even before the environment. Among
I remember the many trips from the Rimini airport transfer to the Alps for a transaction of SAR (Search and Rescue) on board a helicopter HH3F Air Force.
The helicopter was flying low and skimming the peaks of the woods, I was placed in a comfortable swivel chair that HH3F is on the right side, before a large window-panes, I think the place of the gunner, but that in certain situations like the one I lived could be worth more than a stage at La Scala during his lifetime, when I live these moments very little use the camera or the camera, overwhelmed by an uncontrollable selfishness consider what I see as a privilege. When
I arrived in Abruzzi, I was struck by the beauty of the landscape but also repelled by a heavy human activity that is sullying the sink and making it increasingly more negative in the south, made of nasty stories always coincide with the exploitation of the underworld territory and insults to the landscape.
The scenery is all, like water and air, and must be protected.
citizenship and the protection of the environment and landscape and should be taught in schools but often arise in the midst of pseudo-infested fields of weeds and rubbish bins as used in the open, by students and faculty.
The landscape, as well as a dimension of the spirit also becomes a litmus test of honesty places and civic education of the people who inhabit it.
managers and directors.
Even when I was on Svalbard to shoot this documentary I have spent hours and hours in the airplane window while parading iceberg, sea and clouds, and even then the sea, icebergs and clouds.
And as I traveled for hours by snowmobile, with a survival kit for two days and a 30.30 rifle for an attack of some hungry bear distracted me constantly, pausing and looking around, arousing the ire of the guide.
The North Pole of my childhood dreams was in my shoes but in essence very different from what I had dreamed and imagined, not a territory but a territory to be explored save. North Pole
size to no more extreme adventures, but the thermometer health of the planet.
In the liver of seals and bears is in the blood of such a quantity of arsenic and toxic products that you wonder how it is possible.
The "civilized world" is thousands of miles away, so far here that if you have a small problem, you are literally doomed, but the pollution is there, around you, snow, air and sea, such as withdrawals blood in these animals confirm this.
for a few years short of the Arctic polar bears and some seals live their lives without ever having seen and smelled a human being, that strange biped who established their end without ever having seen their habitat and without asking a few questions about it.
why the ice of the pole are fragile, like life that offend human nature and despise the "landscape" deeper and deeper into the void.
If you want to watch the video: = 1
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