Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How To Build Wooden Truck Ramps


Today I will come back, hopefully with some consistency, to publish some articles about
the first word of the title of the blog.

As for the second noun in fact, the research is finished, with fatigue and a certain satisfaction. You got it. Roulette is a game solved
step further, we pass to the poetry of chess. Chess
I must say that in recent months, connect to my favorite chess site,
Internet Chess Club, I attended many games of the strongest tournaments in the world; I admired the performance of the new Italian star Fabiano Caruana, called Fab Fab (the Fabulous Fabiano) star and the world for excellence, Magnus Carlsen and ... I am a little bored. Apart from the extraordinary playing technique of these samples in fact, in my view, in modern chess lacks the romance the past, and I do not speak of prehistory, but I would say that after the end of Kasparov and the advent of media bully computer powerful that they changed the approach to the game of chess, they have my eyes lost some appeal.

I present a particular game played in a particular place ...
I hope you enjoy it.
As I say to those who want to improve in this game: a game, an idea! "
If we can "to keep us" one idea to look at every game commented that, far from the analysis of computer (which of course is detrimental to 90% for the understanding of the position), then progress
develop in a natural and long lasting.

Caposciutti, Mauritius - Mantovani, Renzo [B06]
Saint Vincent Open 1998 1.e4

There are days that does not forget easily. I do not mean or shocking episodes of sudden happiness as vacuous ... I talk about physical and mental sensations permanent, related work, a painting, your own original idea that has remained unfinished when that comes out in your memory, you back to the same special feeling: he could be .... who knows what would have been if had perfected the idea. I would have the same feelings now or take it with me something different? Difficult to answer. But then ... it really worth it?

g6 2.d4 Bg7 1 ... c6 3.Nc3 d5 5.exd5 4.Ac4 b5 6.Ab3

A strange variant of opening that almost did not know before this game.

6 ... a5 9.a3 b4 7.Cce2 8.Cf3 cxd5!? bxa3

course 9. .. A4? 10.axb4 would have coffee in the square.

10.Txa3 11.Cf4 0-0 Nf6 13.0-0 e6 12.Ce5

The point is that walking on the side of White Women are static, while the middle and on the side of the Black King is very solido.In this type of situation, if allowed to stabilize and consolidate the long run Nero tend to be preferred by pressure above the line "b". The white if given the opportunity will then open the game violently, even at the cost of risk.

13 ... Cfd7

A typical maneuver of simplification across a series of devastating sacrifices. In hindsight it was better not to play this move.

14.Cxf7! Rxf7 15.Cxe6!

a sacrifice now leads to another! For this would have been natural as drinking a pineapple juice, but I, a laborer on the board, I had scourged the mind for more than half an hour to make the move # 14!

15 ... Rxe6 16.Dg4 + + TF5 17.Te1

At first I was fascinated by the move 17.De4 +, but then I saw 17. .. Se5!, And because I felt that my position was equipped with move after move, and I still had a number of cartridges to shoot, I did not want to lose the thread of the attack: the move that I wanted to run as soon as possible and that in my original idea was to establish the triumph of White, was in fact Axd5 with the entry in the Tower game a3.

18.Axd5 17 ... Rf7 +! Rf8 + Txd5 19.De6 20.Dxd5

Something gotta take! The dream of the White is about to come true ...

20 ... TA6

strength after the first sacrifice all the moves of black were unique. 21.Ag5 AF6 22.Ah6 23.Tf3 Bg7 + + TF6

24.Dd6 +?

Thinking now to win easily, but allowing instead to the Black a miraculous rescue! You win the prize of beauty 24.Ag5, leaving virtually Black Zugzwang, but short on time does not evaluate the position with the necessary calm: [24.Ag5! h6 (24 ... CA6 25.Te6 CB4 26.Axf6 Cxd5 27.Axd8 C7f6 28.Td6 + + -) 25.Axf6 Axf6 26.Te6 RG7 27.Tfxf6]


24 ... [24 ... Rf7 25.Axg7 Txf3 26.Ah6!]

25.Txf6 Dxf6 [25 ... Axf6 26.De6 27.Df7 RH8 +] 26.Te8 + + Rf7 27.Dxf6 Axf6 28.Txc8 Axd4

The White's advantage is reduced to a minimum, and the pieces are lighter blacks coordinated with each other for a microgram!

29.Af4 CA6 30.Ta8 Cdc5 31.c3 Re6 33.b4 + AF6 32.Ta7

Both were very strong in time-trouble and had to come to move n.40. One thing that I was just born to lose the pawn on b2 and final ...

33 ... Nd5 axb4 34.cxb4 Cxb4 35.Txh7 36.Ad2

Grandmaster Michele Godena sign when he saw the draw in this position scolded me. White has a slight advantage for him and I had to torture the International Master Varese for a couple of hours, mainly because they do not risk anything. Agreed in principle, but I was literally drained from the effort produced and disappointed for not having completed the most of my attack. ½ - ½


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