I'm sure it also Karpov, after playing 23. DD3 ..! Las Palmas in 1977 against Stephen Tata, has felt a slight jolt,
if not a warm shiver in its icy back. The fact is that we are human beings, and how it can be a cruel and ruthless "murderess of the board"
like Karpov in his tumultuous years, he also must have to a moment, just for a moment, danced into oblivion of the senses, before making this move masterpiece, a true pleasure for the aesthetic, that fine pick splits open and no way out of White's position.
Tatai Stefano was then at the height of his form, and when the "Death Warrant" for the Karpov match was in a confused position. A Stephen would probably be enough to settle a move to play the rest of the game on par with the great Karpov.
But it did not, and history (as we know), is written by the winners.
Tata - Karpov (Las Palmas 1977) - Opening English - A34 2.c4 Nf6 c4
1.Nf3 d5 3.Nc3 g6 5.g3 4.cxd5 Cxd5 6.Ag2 7.Da4 Bg7 + e6 Nc6 8.Cg5 9.Cge4 CB6 10.Db5 11.Ca4 c4 e5 0-0 12.Cxb6 axb6 13.Dxc4 14.Dc2
15.Db1 Nd4 f5 17.d3 e4 b5 16.Cc3! 18.Ae3 19.Cd1 b4 Re8 22.a3 Bg4 20.dxe4 fxe4 21.Axd4 Dxd4 23.Dc2 ................. DD3!
remember that Karpov is one who does brilliant moves only when the location is ripe for the combination, and there are other avenues to obtain an advantage
. In this famous game he performs this spectacular shot tactical advantage of the white king is not entrenched.
If he had not played that position was uncertain, for example, after 23. .. Tac8 24.Db3 + RH8 AF3 25.h3! 26.Axf3 exf3 27.Dxf3 bxa3 28.Txa3 DB4 + 29.Rf1
and who knows what would have happened.
24.exd3 As a
gentlman 800 Tatai accepts the sacrifice.
Its acceptance would not, however, brought the White in a bad way, for example: 24.Dd2 Db3 (24. .. Dxd2 Ted8 25.Rxd2 + 26.Re1)
25.0-0 Ted8 26.De3 Dxe3 27.Cxe3 Axe2 28. Tfe1 Bd3 b5 29.axb4 Txa1 30.Txa1 Axb2 31.Ta7 with the benefit of Black
24. .. Exd3 TE2 + 25.Rd2 +! 26. Rxd3 TD8 + 27.Rc4 + 28.Rxb4 Txc2 Tcd2 29.f3 Bd7 30.Ra5 + AF8 and white leaves.
the White King is spared execution, after it was lured into a network of crazy-sac.
The energy input in this game by Karpov Kasparov recalls at His Best!
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