Monday, October 18, 2010

Genital Wart Removal Recovery Freezi


Article 11 of the Constitution of the Italian Republic is one of the most cited but probably the least read. Despite being very short is not exactly easy to understand its meaning, because when he was drafted in the rubble of war were still smoking and her eyes full of tears of the Italians.
have written is what the Founding Fathers of our Republic about the war:

Article 11.

Italy repudiates war as an instrument of aggression against the freedom of other peoples and as a means of resolving disputes international permits, on an equal footing with other states, to the limitations of sovereignty necessary for an order that ensures peace and justice between nations, promotes and encourages international organizations having such ends.
Italy is a major NATO ally and an influential member of the UN.
Therefore, when - n the basis of equality with other states - is emerging at the international level the need to activate an order that ensures peace and justice among nations Italy will assume specific responsibility for international promote and encourage international organizations - which is an integral part in all respects - directed to do so.
In practical terms it means that when designing these assumptions - such was the case for Mozambique, Somalia, East Timor, Kosovo, Afghanistan etc.. - The Government convene the General Staff to ask what the Armed Forces need to achieve the policy objectives mission and strategic , then convene the Parliament that will evaluate and approve the decisions of the executive spending plan.
Q HIS extreme simplification helps us to understand that if after years of presence in Afghanistan, the current government is still deciding whether or not to arm to arm our fighter-bombers to support and protect our troops land and certainly not to hit civilian targets, strategic or military is proof that anything in this complex institutional process did not work.
Or the government could not explain the Staff who were the expectations of the mission or the General Staff had underestimated the problem.
Neither of these assumptions is true.
The reality is that in Italy there is a tendency to change the name of a little petty things in an attempt to communicate to the public a message false but politically correct .
I Our soldiers, in the imagination of our politicians, do not shoot, distribute nutella, must always smiling with well-washed and ironed camouflage and have babies in their arms.
Then, during a fight, it happens that someone dies and suddenly you find that our soldiers are not there to make the nurses or distribute candy and smiles, but the surprising thing is that public opinion, despite the disinformation and censorship, is openly sided with our soldiers, not only in Afghanistan, they do an excellent job with recognized professional pursuing the objective of the mission also provides military action.
The Italians are taking note that, in Afghanistan, the military their are redeeming the field, with arms, an image of military cowardice and inability of Italy in the years that past had been built artfully , misrepresenting the history and facts.

Just not to trigger internal political problems governments have issued to military commands engaged in missions abroad, a partial delegation, also claiming the right to decide purely tactical point of view and this is a serious anomaly that in fact check the launch of our military apparatus which moreover is thus exposed to greater risks.

This consolidated approach supervision has been increasingly used to prevent our missions peacekeeping and peace enforcement could be identified by the public as acts of war.

But as always the people is always ahead of building and, like many articles and radio and television show, is increasingly aware of the importance of the mission in Afghanistan and its risks.
This ambiguous attitude and sweetened dequalificante misinformation or information has been followed by all governments of the Republic involved in peace keeping missions and peace enforcement or real war, as the bombing of Iraq during the Gulf War and subsequently in Serbia; attitude difficult to define without unpleasant adjectives and that raises serious doubts about the democratic conscience of our political class.

The tragic events of recent weeks have opened a heated debate among parliamentarians - it should be remembered - in the financial all have voted in favor of the refinancing of our participation in ISAF coalition with the only vote IDV contrary, not contrary to the mission but for reasons of domestic political calculations miserable .

The Italians despite the disinformation about everything related to the military in general and international politics are rediscovering a national consciousness and demand that our soldiers are put in position to defend themselves, not only by Taliban but also by the ambiguity of political barter "armeremo our aircraft but we will go in 2011!"

The government must first be considered without hesitation because we are present in Afghanistan and to avoid making a return date before reaching the main purpose of mission, because doing so puts our military in a dangerous situation and, above all, make vain the death of those who have been faithful to the oath that soldiers make to the President as guardian of the values \u200b\u200bof the state.
The oath (*) soldiers is something other than a civil contract, not only for the solemnity of the ceremony, but because, among the maze of words, the soldier puts his life in service of values \u200b\u200b founding of the Republic.

For the first time, these days, albeit with many distinctions and the still feeble voice was heard to say that Afghanistan is fighting and death not only to help the Afghan people, battered by the merciless madness of Islamic fundamentalism, but also to uphold these values, common to the whole ' West.
It 'important that you begin to understand that Afghanistan is the last trench to prevent the battleground of what has become in effect a global g uerra against the West, as asymmetric, is being extended to our city that probably already hide terrorists prepared to act.

Parliamentarians must learn to respect their employers (ie all of us, ordinary citizens, we pay them a stipend) giving us, again, precise information about the reason for our military missions abroad and calling things with a real name.
Our soldiers at the front could thus achieve the objectives with the knowledge to be supported publicly by the nation and to use appropriate tools to the success of the mission and their security.
If there was greater clarity and moral courage, the political class as a whole enjoys greater credibility and respect from the people, because the ignorance and misinformation generates turns citizens into subjects.

(*) In Italy the military oath is currently provided for in Article. 2 of Law July 11, 1978, nr.382 "Standard Rules on Military Discipline ', the formula is unique for all Italian citizens who are of military status, states:
" I swear to be faithful to the Italian Republic , to observe the Constitution and laws and to comply with discipline and honor to all of my duties was to defend the homeland and safeguarding of free institutions. "
The Oath is valid only if it occurs in the presence of the Flag of the Republic, or where the Flag of the War Department, and the presence of his commander.


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