email I received very few
whose members asked me, I have to say almost always correctly, to be deleted from my database
and then, among the many support, two who deserve a comment.
In one of these, related to the post
Bombs, Lies and Constitution, I was called a bad-communist
idiot and in which the author took care to emphasize that he was a
sbattezzato that Limes
read and that it was useless any comparison would be with me for a dialogue of the deaf, wrong.
would be a dialogue between a deaf man who is such a vision dogmatic things (him) and and one who is willing to listen to (myself). Because the dogma, as an expression of ignorance and intolerance dialectic, is the 'humus
fundamentalism which apparently is also present in some
sbattezzati .
Ours is the era of emulation, which plagues the success of such television shows as Friends and Big Brother:
are a nobody but me attitude because I think I'm someone !
So it happens that a multitude of ignorant
watching talk shows or spelling texts of literary characters and real journalistic skills, such as labor or Saviano is a atteggino
opinion. How do sbattezzato dogmatic above wiseacre who speaks of things that ignores in practice is like one who talks about sex without ever having
fucked! In another email
, much more interesting, is defined
dirty fascist. Talking too much of yourself I think is a drop in style but be described as dirty
I do not like it because it is not true. I am a hygienist almost maniacal, if I can I avoid bars and restaurants and if forced always check the toilets and crane my neck toward the kitchen, in roadside restaurants and only buy ice cream, mineral water and biscuits for things are clean and good as highway, they are like train stations and airports know your dirt.
I do not even like being called fascist
, nor
Catholic, much less communist
. Reference
indefinitely my thoughts on the
Catholicism and communism
that certainly does not affect anyone,
but I feel compelled to list even briefly a few points that led me to distance themselves from
fascism. The Savoy
with the breach of Porta Pia in fact built a secular state.
the Lateran Treaty with Mussolini turned Italy into a confessional state, creating a number of problems that still are felt on the political and customs in general.
by the Lateran Pacts sprang a series of occurrences, including for example the banning of Freemasonry, in all democratic countries and liberal but disliked the Catholic Church, the implementation of racial laws
and the approach to Germany Nazi.
In the eyes of the pontificate of Pius XII (who had been Papal Nuncio in Germany itself) Nazism was the punisher
Jewish and democratic political system
of Anglo-Saxon derivation, inspired by Calvinist and Anglican church.
The entry into the war was
fascism the icing on the cake of a careless vision of international politics: war should be avoided but if, for any reason, a government decides to do must be in a position to win. Surely
addition to the Lateran Pacts, the racial laws and entry into the war fascism
combined something good but when the building collapses brought along everything is the hard law of life and history, it also happened to Nazism and then to Soviet communism.
For Chinese communism, supported by a capitalist economy run, it seems that it will take more time.
There are other aspects that I do not go down. Ancient Rome has laid the foundations of Modern Western civilization but fascism
has usurped the symbolism, and so if one speaks well of ancient Rome to pass
The same applies to the Armed Forces in general, send in a disastrous war in confusion to defeat heralded by a vision of foreign policy from operetta. Despite this
our soldiers are almost always behaved civilly and fought like heroes in action again today resized or ignored by the public.
Finally, more importantly, the
fascism produced with his mistakes the wounds of civil war that have not yet healed.
tend to be agnostic and deeply love Western Civilization, even in its still discrepancies that are the expression of a concept of liberty and tolerance that exists nowhere else in the world.
I have great esteem for some men who fought for the Social Republic and for some men who fought against the Socialist Republic. Contempt
the scoundrels, traitors and corrupt as such. They are also
stupidity, in the sense that the contempt
stupid and indifferent
, because the stupidity and ignorance breeds indifference, which is cancer of the soul (or, for
sbattezzati dogmatic , spirit).