Thursday, June 18, 2009

Tan Jovi Quotes From Southpark

STALKER: Clear Sky Review (PC)

Review by Andreaz92

  • Presentation - 8 / 10
  • Graphics - 8.5 / 10
  • Sound - 8 / 10
  • Gameplay - 8 / 10
  • Involvement - 10 / 10
  • Longevity - 7 / 10

RATING - 8.2 / 10

In 2007, he published a special fps that he would remain in the memory of most gamers are talking about STALKER Shadow Of Chernobyl, which raised a fuss because of criticism its setting. This new expansion will have been able to repeat the success of SoC?

In Chernobyl, the "emissions" very strong waves' impact, constantly changing the zone without any apparent reason. Playing as a mercenary, able to withstand these issues, we find the cause of all this thanks to 'help the Clear Sky faction, we will save your life at the' beginning of the game. Unlike the previous title, in this expansion, the fire fights are much more frequent, as it will be a war between factions, who will fight for domination of the territory, we may at any time to take sides with those playing the game various missions for any band.
During our outings to the area, receive radio messages for help, we ask you to help a particular faction to fight against 'the other, all of which, of course, in exchange for a reward (money, ammo, food .... ) substances for the inconvenience.
The war between gangs of Clear Sky is working fine, thanks to an AI teammates and enemies all over, though not perfect. The firefights are now prove very difficult, especially due to a very abnormal resistance of the enemy: we have lost count of the times in which to bring down even a single soldier or radioactive monster, we emptied several rounds of assault rifle and below this GSC aspect of the game was far too overlooked. If we count that in certain situations we find ourselves literally surrounded, it will be very frustrating to be able to kill every single enemy without being impallinati to death. L 'arsenal at our disposal, in addition to being large, has been reproduced with meticulous care, so that most of the time there will be almost impossible to fill lead an enemy at long range. To stabilize the weapons, we turn to vendors that we will find scattered around the map, in exchange for a good deal of money, make more precise our toys. Another factor is improved
's economy: it plays a role important enough and the money will allow us to buy weapons, food, medikit and protection against radiation.
A defect of the first episode concerned the freedom of action: as developers have created a huge explorable map, the various locations were often interspersed with long boots that broke the pace of the game too. For Clear Sky, however, we can say that the problem was partly resolved and that the boots will not be as frequent as before, and even radioactive bags scattered throughout the area, there will be a lesser doses and we have more freedom.
A special mention goes to 'atmosphere, without a doubt one of the most successful in gaming history: exploring the surrounding area we will be attacked A sense of distress and oppression which are unlikely to forget. In fact, this is where Clear Sky to their best: If the front of the gameplay, it carries out its work quietly, but without reaching the 'excellence because of the numerous bugs, the' atmosphere and history to challenge players complete the campaign to see how everything will end.
Unfortunately there are still many aspects that have not been properly upgraded, the significant rate of frustration, especially towards the end, it becomes almost unbearable, bringing us more often the game-over. As gun battles prove challenging and exciting, are often difficult even to the minimum level of difficulty, and every time we will be affected by a bullet or a mutated monster, our health bar goes down and down and if we do not stop the wound with gauze to another world will end. It is a choice, albeit realistic, it becomes too annoying at different times of the game.

As for the look and feel, developers have opted for an updated version of X-Ray engine, already seen in Shadow Of Chernobyl.
The graphics really breathtaking: especially on a system of lighting and textures never subdued. The endless landscapes are recreated with great care, and thanks to the introduction of DirectX 10, we see some new features such as volumetric fog and smoke. Characters are well made, although characterized by very expressive faces and animations are not always excellent. Absolutely fantastic the weather, like thunderstorms. Conversely we can detect a slight static vegetation, some polygonal modeling and a heavy undertone of the graphic engine which can be heard on 'hardware. We tested the game on a QuadCore Q8200 2.4 Ghz with 2GB of ram and a 9800GT 512mb ram: with all details set to maximum (including AA) in DirectX 9, we have not noticed major slowdowns and we have maintained between 40 and 45 frames per second, but it should be noted that sometimes we run into unexpected crash that made us go back to the desktop. As for

sound, the title of Gsc, has substantially fulfilled thanks to excellent sound effects and as regards the environment as weapons. Too bad only one Italian dubbing in some 'ups and downs, which is always maintained at high levels.

STALKER: Clear Sky is much more than an expansion, along with a good gameplay and the graphics at times impressive, although not able to be the masterpiece that was Shadow Of Chernobyl. What still puzzles us is the amount of bugs and inaccuracies all 'inside of the title, although it has already releases the first patch. The area is waiting for you!

superb atmosphere - Great graphics
- Good variety

- Many bugs and inaccuracies
- At times frustrating
- graphics engine heavy


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