I received from RC - Alpine currently in Afghanistan and a comrade in arms of Luke Barisonzi - this email that does not require any comment.
Corporal Luke BARISONZI is the 8th Alpini Regiment was seriously wounded in the attack suffered last January 18 in Bala Murghab; attack which saw the loss of the CMC Luca Sanna. Barisonzi is presently hospitalized in Milan Niguarda hospital with a serious spinal cord injury, but strong in his character and his great spirit Alpine is struggling with all his strength to improve your health condition.
Luke is a true Alpine, imbued with the values \u200b\u200bpeculiar to the body of the Alpine: sense of duty, high attachment to the Flag and to the country, esprit de corps, quenching mountain, great dignity, the spirit of human solidarity, respect for the weak. That is why Luke
supports an initiative of the Spinal Unit Niguarda ONLUS: Buying a car Lokomat robot for rehabilitation with incomplete spinal cord injury. A demonstration of
large and rare human qualities of Luke, probably him because of his severe spinal cord injury, may not even benefit from the future of this machine, but supports this project in favor of others.
For complete information, please find attached the PDF of the leaflet and poster project. For any further information or clarification, the reference site is www.ausniguarda.it section Lokomat.
This mail is for information purposes in order to sensitize as many people as possible to this project.
Lokomat Support the project and inform as many people as possible.
Thank you very much.
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