Friday, March 18, 2011

Scavenge Stereo Receiver

Memory * *

Wherein days find me in the 150 years since 'Unit D' Italy to share with their fills me with joy * .

"Freedom is Participation" ... and .... As long as we'll be free to express ourselves, share ...... Or we can not live in
'indifference ...
Then, our every breath that will not be in vain .......

The 'Inspiration moved me from the bowels ..... And my way of celebrating these days and 'was a desire to celebrate "LaMemoria ".......
A Mother Old, 's of today as always .....
A mother brings in her body lacerations sutured but still alive ... ......
A mother whispers that 's in our hands the possibility that nothing, nothing, good and evil is never forgotten.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How Long Does Glandular Fever Rash Last

"Memory is our absolute, undeniable and irrevocable kinship with the wild feminine, a relationship that can become spectral negligently buried dall'addomesticamento too, outlawed by the surrounding culture, or no longer understood at all. We may have forgotten their names,
we can not answer when they call our own, but we know it in my bones, we are pressed tending to her;
know that she belongs to us and that we belong to you .
E 'in this report, fundamental, essential, made of natural forces that we are born, and from them in our essence we are also derived.
[...] that nature is wise or wise. E 'is sometimes called "the woman who lives at the end of time," or "the woman who lives on the edge of the world." And this "creature" is always a creator, witch, or goddess of death, or a virgin in the fall, or a thousand other embodiments. And 'friend and mother, while those who have lost their way, they have lost, all those who need to know, all those who have a puzzle to solve, all those who wander and seek in the forest or desert [...]. "

                                                                                                                  _ Clarissa Pinkola Estes _

Monday, March 14, 2011

Black Guy Red Bandana Who Is


Gabriele Levy is a college professor who lives in Turin, this letter published in I was reported by a colleague who I met recently in Afghanistan and I have decided to publish without comment, as I came.

Dear friends, it's been a long time since my last letter, I still read the Manifesto and I continue to ask you questions, but unfortunately I do not get you the answers.
I am ashamed to see on a web site called "Jews Against the Occupation," which calls on Israel to withdraw before from all occupied territories, and then retire completely, disappear, to get the "legitimate rights of the Palestinian people", bringing within its borders seven million refugees, alleged or real, wiping out the only Jewish state in the world.
I am ashamed that there are Jews who want to return the Western Wall, the heart of the Jewish heart. The wall in which the Jews had no access from 1948 to 1967.
I am ashamed that there are Jews against the Jewish state when it is none other than the insurance on the life of the Jewish people.
I am ashamed to read that yesterday, in the middle of Shabbat, two Arabs tanks have entered a Jewish house and they stabbed to death a father, a mother and three children, one aged 11, the other 4 and the last, baby of four months. How do you kill a creature of 4 months with a knife? What level of mental health is one that makes a gesture like that? In Gaza, Hamas militants this morning handing out candy to the people to celebrate the murder of a baby girl four months. It seems to me that Islam is a mental illness mass, exactly as was Nazism. And that the so-called "left" continues to avoid realizing it. Gaddafi in these hours is slaughtering thousands of human beings who call for democracy and freedom.
and 'the Jews against the Occupation "protest against Israel ... Only the great Fellini could describe a situation so grotesque.
You're against the occupation of what, exactly? All of Palestine is occupied territory, right? But if ever there was a state called Palestine? From 1948 to 1967 the "occupied territories" were in Jordanian hands. And the Gaza Strip into Egyptian hands. because at that time no one called for the establishment of a Palestinian state? A few weeks ago was published a study by, and only, Arab journalists. Well, this study shows that over the past 30 years died about 11 million Muslims in the wars, in the attacks and everything else in the same style. 96% of these murder victims were killed by Muslims themselves. 3.9% and 'Sato killed by Western armies. Israel has killed only 0.1% of Muslims and Arabs. And yet you continue to accuse Israel of being largely responsible for the suffering of the Arab peoples.
I am ashamed to even hear the term "Occupied Territories" referring to Judea and Samaria, when back here, in France, there are 25 zones the country who are called "sensitive urban zones", where it 'the police nor the firemen and doctors can not even get in because there exists another law, the Sharia. Those are the real Occupied Territories. The community Jewish Malmoe, Sweden, is left because the city 60% of the population is Islamic. And even violent. In England, the constitutional court decided that the Sharia can be used as civil law, and have arisen hundreds of Islamic Courts. Are emerging before our eyes the districts where women are treated like cattle, where a medieval Islamic clerics urging the masses to hatred towards those who are Dhimmi, un-Islamic.
I am ashamed to live in a city like Turin, where more and more women turn to the burka, but if you shoot with a kippa on his head was beaten and bruised, the cry of "el yahud itbach", "massacre the jew ". I saw this with my own eyes. Torino, the capital of the Resistance. We cried million deaths for Freedom and Justice. And now we give these principles and these rights to a band of mentally ill called Imam fundamentalists.
I am ashamed to hear it called the barrier of defense "The apartheid wall" for years by terrorists in the West Bank rose Israelis on buses, traveling where human beings of all religions and all colors, and it did explode, shouting "Allah hu akbar." Since there's' the barrier of defense, the number of terrorist attacks has dropped 95%. I mean, we already forgotten the scenes of the bits of flesh dangling from the Israeli bus exploded between 1993 and 2003? What is the wall of life, not apartheid. Used to save lives. Between 50 and 500 years, when the Islamists have learned not to hate, maybe throw down like the Berlin Wall in 1989.
few months ago during negotiations Netanyahu Abu Mazen has offered a small land swap: Israel held a piece of the West Bank in exchange for an equal part in the pre-67 Israel where there are only Arab villages, which would pass it to Palestine.
And you know what happened? Arabs residing in Israel rebelled asking to remain in Israel. What do you mean? Israeli Arabs prefer to remain second-class citizens in Israel, rather than become citizens of the first class in Palestine? But I'm crazy or do they understand that if it were born in Palestine, they would find themselves living in the fifty-ninth state of the Islamic world, where dictatorial and fascist highly slamming rules of human rights and freedom, democracy and social justice?
few days ago to Bengazi Libyan demonstrators putting up a sign with the words in English: USA, EUROPE: PLEASE HELP U.S.. "Last Saturday, a demonstration by anarchists and global justice has passed through San Salvario topped with a large banner in the parade white on which was written "outside the U.S. and Europe from Libya," But where is your consistency, dear fellow? Who are you? Who calls for democracy and liberty or those who repress them?
Until now Israel has kept well out of the fire that is shaking the Arab world. And hours around San Salvario leaflets attached to the wall and I invite you to participate in the Flottille number 2, next to pictures of current Arab riots. Only that we were missing: go to casinos in Gaza, to support the fascist regime of Hamas, which dominates a people oppressed by violence.
In Gaza, the markets are full of food, even in these days. Hunger is elsewhere: in Egypt and Libya, and Syria among slaves / foreign workers in the Persian Gulf. It seems to me that you have a few ideas, but very confused, dear comrades. In a few hours
Italy takes 150 years. Of these 130 have been years of democracy and freedom. Not bad for a country surrounded by the Mediterranean. The Arab masses are asking for help, they want democracy and freedom. The rebels ask for help, like asking the supporters to the Allies during the Second World War. Italy could have a role in the Mediterranean, in support of the peoples' struggle for freedom. And you write on your posters out of Libya?
In these hours that delinquent Gaddafi is winning at the sound of bombs and death war against the insurgents. And what are you doing to help the democratic forces in Arabic? Ask not to intervene? Imagine if during the second World War there was was a peace movement in the streets calling for the non-intervention of the Allies ... Without the Americans and British will still have that crazy Hitler at his feet ....
Sometimes I wonder if I'm dreaming or if it's true: fellow support of fascism in the Middle East, with the excuse of anti dell'antimperialsimoo with that. And 'thanks to this company that our country is moving in the right . The more "friends" will support the Middle Eastern fascism, and the more people will vote right. In fact, right now is already the new left. You are simply reversed the roles.
Gianfranco Fini much left to Bertinotti. Bertinotti has never visited a Gulag. It 's almost time for the face. Perhaps he could save face. At least his.
Gabriele Levy

Christina Aguilera Old Perfume

Digging Inside look at all 'eyes, look

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hollywood Bowl Middlebrook

Pina Bausch * * * Reminder

....* does not matter if Suns or against everyone and everything ........

Chesty Cough With Sob

...[...] L 'Art' s not the creation of useless things that vanish into the void, but it is a force that has an end ... [...]
E 'a language that speaks to' Soul in their own words, of things that 's Soul are the daily bread, and only then can receive.
If the 'Art is exempt from this task remains a void, because no' other power can replace .[...]
L 'artist must seek to change the situation by recognizing the duty that has to
' s Arts and towards same, considering not the master but the servant of ideals accurate, great and sacred.
must educate and collect his soul, taking care of it and enriching it so that it becomes the outer surface of his talent, and not like a glove lost by an unknown hand, a seemingly empty and useless.
...[...] It 'nice that comes from inner necessity. It 'beautiful what is beautiful inside. [...]

Friday, March 11, 2011

How Should A Cervix Be 3 Days Before Your Period

Rachael Yamagata: "Sunday Afternoon" It


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Marinade For Deer Sirloin Roast

Let's talk a little bit of SOA (Service Oriented Architecture)

After watching an introduction to EAI , we come to the next step which took place in view of the integration of information systems: solutions SOA (Service Oriented Architecture ). The popularity of the Web has led architectures tied to it through a big transformation from building simple web sites, corporate portals to solutions that integrate IT infrastructures.
the beginning of the study of problems of integration of applications we had the so-called distributed applications ( Object Oriented Architecture, OOA) components delivered with differences could cooperate with each other giving rise to a unique application according to standard protocols (eg CORBA, DCOM ). At this level the EAI acted: to interact with their applications / components completely heterogeneous.
There was, however, realized the benefits of a different approach to distributed services (web services) you could access these services by taking advantage of the interface that the web services provided under a contract (WSDL) and a protocol ( SOAP) standard. If these services could be searched for and discovered ( Discovered ) in a list of available services (UDDI). The advantage of this approach (SOA) than before (OOA) was that the focus was placed on functionality and not technology.

In other words, the SOA approach highlights an entity known mainly to corporate management than they were the technology implementations, which put the focus of the business process .
SOA is more complex architecture in WAS, although we can say that it can be also found on the technological concepts of WS. In reality, SOA is an abstraction layer top of a structure in WAS: we can say that SOA is

" A paradigm for the organization and utilization of distributed resources which may be under the control of different ownership domains. Provide a uniform to offer, discover, interact and use the ability to consistently produce the desired results with measurable preconditions and expectations "- Reference Model for Serviced Oriented Architecture 1.0." OASIS, 12 October 2006 ( Oasis is a global consortium founded in 1993 regulating the development and adoption of convergence of standard e-business).

SOA is thus a paradigm that translates into a dynamic architecture in which the design and development solutions are brought to higher levels of reasoning. These arguments make it possible to assess more fully the business processes, taken as a whole and not just individually, and, therefore, to seek the development of the best possible solution to deliver on business operations requirements.
So SOA is not a technology, but an architectural approach built around the existing technologies. It promotes a set of practices, disciplines, drawing mode and guidelines that can be applied using one or more technologies. SOA aims to develop new services based on features already offered by an application. Other applications that wish to communicate with this application will use one or more services to accomplish the task desired.
The SOA paradigm is based on three basic concepts:
  • Visibility: ability to find the service best suited to your needs
  • Interaction: ability to request a service and consequently esaudizione the request by the exchange of messages.
  • Real effects: the ability to give results of the interaction.
Note how these concepts are not simply define the properties of a service: a service is delivered when carrying out activities on behalf of an applicant ( service consumer). The server ( service provider) provides its service offering, its ability to perform and the specifications with which you can successfully invoke the service. The description of the servant is made public through a discovery agency ( service broker), a repository or directory.
SOA is one of the latest paradigms of Web Engineering : generation of services and creation of conditions for the mechanization of the processes within the asset company information through the composite applications. Choosing a SOA solution than a means to take for architecture OOA these properties:

  • Effective reuse and better "granularity" of services
  • Interoperability of services and their services in componentization simpler (composite application)
  • Taking generic standards and / or specific to certain domains
  • Identification and accessibility of services standardized
  • Monitoring Solution (IT governance )
  • encapsulation services
  • weak coupling between services ( loose coupling) using standard XML messages
  • rules of interaction between the services under contracts established
  • Increased abstraction from the logical implementation
  • Possibility of subdivision services for macro-features of each service
  • autonomy in determining its own implemented logic
  • Traceability of services through constructs known and standard

Simplistically we can say that re-contextualizes the SOA paradigm OOA born with the network and the Internet. I introduced new levels of abstraction can greatly reduce the present gap between the logic of business processes and IT systems.

Scheme modular SOA

Monday, March 7, 2011

Make Pinhole Camera Pringles

Ready. Run Codemotion.

Saturday, March 5 was held in Rome Computer Engineering at the University of Rome 3, Codemotion, which "replaces" the classic Javaday. The event included a series of talks covering the latest in the world of programming, computer science and technology. From this talk I smbrato that the focus was mainly focused on two hot topics: HTML 5 and NoSQL Database. The event was a great success and influx of people. In addition to the talk was also attended by the classic stand with ICT companies sponsor the event including big names like Oracle, IBM, Sony, Samsung, Almaviva, Adobe. I was pleased to note that the influx has had to stand more in that of O'Reilly, who on this occasion gave a 40% discount on the titles on the bench (in fact, the titles were not numerous, but something you might find interesting): the poor crazy lady who was selling English language books and could not hold off hordes of nerd who wanted to buy computer books at bargain prices (among whom I was there). My personal evaluation of the event: the topics covered in general good, I really liked the idea of \u200b\u200bgeneralizing the event in all languages \u200b\u200band technologies, very good overall organization of the event, also good idea to bring together experts / enthusiasts of the technology at the workplace. As for the talk I would say some good, but a little too low, the quality of some others that I followed (as a partial justification is there to say that the time available to speakers was little). Overall it was a beautiful day, experience definitely worth repeating. At this link photos of the event: a photo, look carefully, you can also verify that "I was there" J ... sharpen the view and if you'll notice that my name appears among the authors "codicils" printed on the columns: What an honor! J

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fritolay Job Application

to love you You must think for herself.

"A love you you got to think for myself," replied the 'friend.
"When you want to love me and you'll get respect, you'll see that you will love and others will respect you.
If you give someone too much, it can happen that you start to expect more and more, without giving anything in cambio.E then when you complain because it took too much, will tell you that ...
took only what's donavi you, make you believe that bad if you do not continue to give, so not be able to defend yourself "

;                                                                         _  WE ARE TALES _ "LA sula and the helpless vampire finch"

Friday, March 4, 2011

Dry Cough And 10 Month Old Baby

"A Value Added "....... Sharing *

be with their a 'huge emotion. ...... *
Three generations of women to meet, merge .....
between these ... Humbly and with much honor, I, the youngest ......

Thursday, March 3, 2011

What Can I Wear A Gold Sequin Mini Sq

Jamie Lidell Promo - Game for Fools


.. "Even then I would have taken away the hope" ... S. Benni

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Utility Trailer Cost To Build


I received from RC - Alpine currently in Afghanistan and a comrade in arms of Luke Barisonzi - this email that does not require any comment.
Corporal Luke BARISONZI is the 8th Alpini Regiment was seriously wounded in the attack suffered last January 18 in Bala Murghab; attack which saw the loss of the CMC Luca Sanna.
Barisonzi is presently hospitalized in Milan Niguarda hospital with a serious spinal cord injury, but strong in his character and his great spirit Alpine is struggling with all his strength to improve your health condition.
Luke is a true Alpine, imbued with the values \u200b\u200bpeculiar to the body of the Alpine: sense of duty, high attachment to the Flag and to the country, esprit de corps, quenching mountain, great dignity, the spirit of human solidarity, respect for the weak. That is why Luke
supports an initiative of the Spinal Unit Niguarda ONLUS: Buying a car Lokomat robot for rehabilitation with incomplete spinal cord injury. A demonstration of
large and rare human qualities of Luke, probably him because of his severe spinal cord injury, may not even benefit from the future of this machine, but supports this project in favor of others.
For complete information, please find attached the PDF of the leaflet and poster project. For any further information or clarification, the reference site is section Lokomat.
This mail is for information purposes in order to sensitize as many people as possible to this project.
Lokomat Support the project and inform as many people as possible.
Thank you very much.