So wrote St. Thomas Aquinas in his Summa Theologiae .
that I am not an expert to interpret it the religious doctrines concept of dogma that normally sustains the injury and fundamentalism: "Since we are comparing, by chance or by force, perhaps I will listen but you need to know that whatever say to support your argument you are wrong because I and only I am right! "
It 's a bit what happens during football derby where fans hate and despise the supporters of opposing teams regardless of any logical assessment.
The story, the real one, the one that marks the lives of peoples is not a football game or a lesson in the catechism, but the prejudice, fundamentalism and dogma reduce the political debate and freedom of information to the emptiness of a stupid football derby .
fact, the dogma and fundamentalism are close relatives of indifference, which in turn is the expression of an apparent paralysis of the soul because, by removing the doubt that is the basic thrust of the evolution of Western thought, free will is wrapped in a dimension of premature death. Not
I'm forwarding them in religious concepts, and that I do not know which among other things I care about, I'm just trying to say that speaking in terms politically incorrect there are two categories of individuals: quellochecrede and quellochepensa . What
checrede blindly is deployed on one side - no matter whether of right or left - that the administration concepts and pre-cooked because of this cultural dependency and inability to analysis and opinion is convinced that he is always right and ready to prove it is also infamous for acts such as murder and even genocide. What
chepensa may also be in critical position towards those who are the core values \u200b\u200bof the world they live in and defend that, because it is conscious of the many shortcomings that still live in Western democracies. At the same time is also aware that despite all the Western democracies, often won or imposed by force of arms, are the reality in which a human being if you could choose a priori would be born and live and that for this to be improved, defenses, and export .
The core of the Western democracies is the middle class or if you prefer, the bourgeoisie which is actually non-existent in most Muslim countries, none of which is governed by a true democracy because there are still strong prejudices of caste and wealth. In Pakistan, for example, where there is a growing middle class, educated and increasingly secular the Taliban destroy girls' schools and their teachers strike because they know someone who thinks with his brain - especially if a women - for fundamentalism is more dangerous than a gun.
In the West, and particularly in Italy, while the proletariat is increasingly identified in the values \u200b\u200bof economic and social system of the bourgeoisie - aiming to reinforce the concept through the ballot box of democracy - there is a part of bourgeois despises and against the world that allows them to live by standards of wealth and freedom.
These people - even educated, informed and secular - are often conditioned by unexplained ideological prejudices
Amid rebellion that is going through North Africa from the western part of the electorate welcomed uncritically to insurgent they see, rightly as freedom fighters, ignoring the fact that poverty and ignorance are the ideal breeding ground for the growth of religious fundamentalism and the possibility that these brave rebels are able to establish a true democracy in their countries are virtually nil.
The Islamic world has never stopped dreaming the Great Caliphate, where the dogma of religious subjects and a strong influence on civilian life by depriving the individual of freedom more important, to think for themselves. Therefore imagine that Islamic fundamentalism is made out of hand a great opportunity to seize Egypt, Tunisia and Libya and will allow the emergence of democratic governments is nonsense to believe that only those who have a preconceived vision of history and does not accept the harsh reality of things.
If all we in the West, strong for our values \u200b\u200bof freedom and justice but also as advocates aware of our interest, we will not know govern the wave of renewal that Islam is going through the Mediterranean in the coming years we could be regret dictators like Mubarak and Gaddafi as criminals psychos.
(Antoine Khan)
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