Check to see how the color ..... where .. around .... everything is gray.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
How Much To Get A Dog Scaned
Check to see how the color ..... where .. around .... everything is gray.
Check to see how the color ..... where .. around .... everything is gray.
Do Eyelash Curlers Weaken
"... the fighting began at ten o'clock this morning (Friday), and shooting rocked the city, bringing residents and refugees within the offices," said .
are called Harakat ash-Shabab Al-Mujahidin or simply Shabab, are less known but no less gruesome and dangerous of the most famous Taliban, which have in common with fundamentalist ignorance and hatred for the West - the United States and Israel in the first place - and perhaps That is why in Italy are identified by pacifist factions and extremism right and left as champions of freedom.
Since 1993, Somalia is literally in the lurch, quartered politically and geographically, without government authority and credibility with most areas of southern subjected to a violent and repressive Sharia .
In Somalia in 2007 is a military contingent of the African Union - AMISOM: African Mission in Somalia - which does not seem able not only to end the bloody war going on but it is not able to curbing violence and mitigate the desperate subhuman conditions in which for almost twenty years he lived the entire Somali population. Islamic fundamentalism, as has happened in Afghanistan of the Taliban , created misery and horror demolishing all civil and administrative structure and causing an exodus to Kenya that is creating significant problems and hardships along the border town, from which flow into dormant cells of Shabab now scattered throughout Kenya, where control various illegal activities.
Last week I reached Mandera, Kenya, on the border with Somalia, on board an aircraft of the Flying Doctors made available dall'AMREF who has supported me and Peter Del Re La Repubblica in making a documentary about the emergency in Africa.
Mandera is one of the hottest spots on the border with Somalia, where it has established the refugee camp Border Point One that receives not less than 8,000 Somali refugees. In Mandera are consistent Kenyan Armed Forces units and a curfew is in force, in order to move we had to ask permission from the Kenyan security forces who have given us an escort, and after a few hours we were informed that we had to fall within the compound where we took lodgings because he had already the news broke that two white men were wandering the city on board a pick-up escorted by two soldiers.
And here, in this age of no man's land, with two white camera that move under cover are the logical product for a kidnapping.
After two days, Saturday, February 19, 2011, we came back, always with the Cessna Caravan dell'AMREF at Wilson Airport in Nairobi and we have randomly seen action operated by medevac Flying Doctors of the wounded to return to Mogadishu AU (African Union ) but we could not make shots for the aggressive hostility EU officials present because: "Somalia Acuna matata" that "in Somalia, it's all right, nothing happens , everything is under control" and said furious as this was the blood that dripped from the stretcher just downloaded from the Cessna Citation .
On our return to Italy then we have received from our contacts at the Wilson Airport in Nairobi this email.
" you fight ... too much to Mogadishu.
On Sunday (February 20, 2011) we had an average of four flights a day to carry away the wounded.
Nairobi's hospitals do not longer have the ability to absorb the number of victims and yesterday's flights have started to bring patients to hospitals in Mombasa. "
On Sunday (February 20, 2011) we had an average of four flights a day to carry away the wounded.
Nairobi's hospitals do not longer have the ability to absorb the number of victims and yesterday's flights have started to bring patients to hospitals in Mombasa. "
Actually news agency - almost completely ignored in Italy Perhaps because the war in somalia does not make the point of view the media - speak of more than 50 dead and, according to eyewitnesses, were killed in Mogadishu alone no less than twenty civilians, caught in the crossfire of the contenders, while the same guerrillas Muslims have publicly displayed the corpses of five soldiers belonged Burundian AMISOM.
The following is a translation of an article by journalist WALTER Meny Agency Media Nation in Nairobi.
The staff of the Red Cross to Mandera in Kenya has found itself under fire in firearms Friday ( the day after our departure from Mandera . ed.), The third day of heavy fighting on the border with Ethiopia and Somalia.
According to Abbas Gullet, secretary general of the KRCS (Kenyan Red Cross Society), their offices in the border city were joined by several strokes.
Six staff members had taken refuge there at the time, but Mr. Gullet said by radio that there were no casualties in the incident: "D Ivers shots were fired from the border hit the offices of the Red Cross of Mandera, where six members of staff had fled, along with many other inhabitants of the city .
The head of the KRCS, however, reported that "... there has been a victim scope already dead at the first boundary point and 10 other victims were transported to the hospital in the district of Mandera ".
"... the fighting began at ten o'clock this morning (Friday), and shooting rocked the city, bringing residents and refugees within the offices," said .
Mr. Gullet said she could hear the gunshots in the background of the call with the group coordinator KRCS Mandera at 3 pm.
The fighting, he added, have endangered the lives of humanitarian workers and other residents of the town of Mandera.
" We reported this last incident to the government and we hope that the offices of the KRCS, who also have a red cross on the flag mounted on the roof will be protected. The emblem of the Red Cross symbol is protected by the Geneva Convention and all the parties to a conflict are required to conform to " said.
In the recent past, and in the present, KRCS and other relief organizations that assist the people fleeing the Somali conflict. Hundreds of refugees are now scattered from the Kenyan side of the border, although it is risky to put them in camps until the end of the conflict.
Mr. Gullet said that the conflict has delayed the humanitarian response as well as refugees who need food and shelter can not access any help in this situation diffused.
Walter Menya
(With the collaboration of Francesca Vinciguerra)
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Has Anyone Ordered Anything From
This article by de Giulio Meotti Il Foglio reinforces what is stated in the previous post.
believe that after the popular revolts in North Africa birth of democracy and enlightened secular it's like to believe that Berlusconi is working to become - under the name of Silvio I - the next pope of the Catholic Church reformer.
After thirty years of exile Qaradawi back to Cairo: "Free the Aqsa
The imam of the Muslim Brotherhood proclaims: The revolution continues .
In Egypt, there's other Islamic parties.
You have won the Pharaoh proclaimed February 18 Sheikh Yusuf al Qaradawi to the two million demonstrators gathered in Tahrir Square in Cairo. The BBC said that ... there were more people gathered in prayer in the square across the Egyptian Mecca. It was the March of Victory, a week after the fall of the Egyptian regime. Verses of the Koran chanted Qaradawi's speech, the guru of the Muslim Brotherhood. The term "Pharaoh" was used for the first time by Islamists against President Anwar Sadat, assassinated by a terrorist commando in 1981 ( Assassination of a Pharaoh is also the title of an Iranian film that celebrates the assassination of Sadat by Muslim Brotherhood). 1981 was the year when their Qaradawi was banned from Egypt: Mubarak's regime since he was unable to hold sermons in mosques and to identify them as a preacher of hate.
The famous Arabist Barry Rubin compares the return of Qaradawi in Cairo and the Ayatollah Khomeini in Tehran: ... the the February 18 is a turning point in Egyptian history , says Rubin.
also identifies the issuer Arabija Qaradawi the religious figure who until now was not the Egyptian Revolution.
Banned by the United States, Qaradawi is based in Doha, protected by the Emir of Qatar, where he became a star of Al Jazeera. the most-watched satellite channel by the Arab population.
Qaradawi was born in Egypt and it is said that before the age of ten years had already memorized the Koran. In fact, today represents the spiritual voice of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamist decisive in the formation after Mubarak. His ideas made him unpopular with the former Egyptian King Farouq, who in 1949 sentenced him to prison. Then he was jailed for three more times and by Nasser in 1961, chose exile. the ... revolution that you young people have done on January 25 did not win only Mubarak but also on the thieves and crooks that were in Egypt, Qaradawi said yesterday in Tahrir Square. the revolution continues ... ... Qaradawi has also proclaimed ... we will leave Jerusalem and go to Palestine. I have a dream that is to hold a sermon in the mosque of Al Aqsa .
Imam Qaradawi has just called for the creation of a new Egypt with a different philosophy and Constitution. The maximum Iran expert at Stanford University, Abbas Milani, said ... the Muslim Brotherhood wants to create a government based on Sharia . Indeed Muntaser to Zayyat, a great connoisseur of Egyptian religious movements, yesterday confirmed that ... soon develop many Islamic parties in Egypt. Fadwa are known to Qaradawi. As that underlying the terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians. The suicide bomber who blows himself up at a bar, a street, in a bus in Tel Aviv second Qaradawi is a true martyr ... The killing of Americans is an obligation , established in 2004 during the war in Iraq. To Qaradawi ... the freedom to be at the service of Islam , while Europe and America are nudist community. About homosexuals and secular Qaradawi said that society must be cleansed elements from perverts because secularism is not atheism and denial of Islam that .
Imam Qaradawi has just called for the creation of a new Egypt with a different philosophy and Constitution. The maximum Iran expert at Stanford University, Abbas Milani, said ... the Muslim Brotherhood wants to create a government based on Sharia . Indeed Muntaser to Zayyat, a great connoisseur of Egyptian religious movements, yesterday confirmed that ... soon develop many Islamic parties in Egypt. Fadwa are known to Qaradawi. As that underlying the terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians. The suicide bomber who blows himself up at a bar, a street, in a bus in Tel Aviv second Qaradawi is a true martyr ... The killing of Americans is an obligation , established in 2004 during the war in Iraq. To Qaradawi ... the freedom to be at the service of Islam , while Europe and America are nudist community. About homosexuals and secular Qaradawi said that society must be cleansed elements from perverts because secularism is not atheism and denial of Islam that .
Yesterday in Cairo, Qaradawi has called for the army to prire ... to the borders with the Gaza Strip . The Muslim Brotherhood wants to legitimize Hamas.
Rubin defines Qaradawi ... an ideologue brilliant and innovative, flexible, tactically and strategically sophisticated . Even more of Osama Bin Laden, Qaradawi for Rubin has revolutionized Islamism. Qaradawi has been instrumental in legitimizing protests in Cairo. Ruled that participation in the protests is a religious duty because Mubarak is ... a sinner that kills its own people. He stated that those who have lost their lives in clashes martyrs. On al-Jazeera said he hoped to die killing Jews will strike the enemies of Allah, the Jews, and they told me to throw a grenade, at which point I'll end my life with martyrdom .
Giulio Meotti
(In preparation Francesca Vinciguerra)
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Dudley Lock Combination Finder
" If your opponent does not believe in divine revelation, not There is no way to prove the articles of faith by reasoning, but only to answer his objections - if he has - against faith .
So wrote St. Thomas Aquinas in his Summa Theologiae .
that I am not an expert to interpret it the religious doctrines concept of dogma that normally sustains the injury and fundamentalism: "Since we are comparing, by chance or by force, perhaps I will listen but you need to know that whatever say to support your argument you are wrong because I and only I am right! "
It 's a bit what happens during football derby where fans hate and despise the supporters of opposing teams regardless of any logical assessment.
The story, the real one, the one that marks the lives of peoples is not a football game or a lesson in the catechism, but the prejudice, fundamentalism and dogma reduce the political debate and freedom of information to the emptiness of a stupid football derby .
fact, the dogma and fundamentalism are close relatives of indifference, which in turn is the expression of an apparent paralysis of the soul because, by removing the doubt that is the basic thrust of the evolution of Western thought, free will is wrapped in a dimension of premature death. Not
I'm forwarding them in religious concepts, and that I do not know which among other things I care about, I'm just trying to say that speaking in terms politically incorrect there are two categories of individuals: quellochecrede and quellochepensa . What
checrede blindly is deployed on one side - no matter whether of right or left - that the administration concepts and pre-cooked because of this cultural dependency and inability to analysis and opinion is convinced that he is always right and ready to prove it is also infamous for acts such as murder and even genocide. What
chepensa may also be in critical position towards those who are the core values \u200b\u200bof the world they live in and defend that, because it is conscious of the many shortcomings that still live in Western democracies. At the same time is also aware that despite all the Western democracies, often won or imposed by force of arms, are the reality in which a human being if you could choose a priori would be born and live and that for this to be improved, defenses, and export .
The core of the Western democracies is the middle class or if you prefer, the bourgeoisie which is actually non-existent in most Muslim countries, none of which is governed by a true democracy because there are still strong prejudices of caste and wealth. In Pakistan, for example, where there is a growing middle class, educated and increasingly secular the Taliban destroy girls' schools and their teachers strike because they know someone who thinks with his brain - especially if a women - for fundamentalism is more dangerous than a gun.
In the West, and particularly in Italy, while the proletariat is increasingly identified in the values \u200b\u200bof economic and social system of the bourgeoisie - aiming to reinforce the concept through the ballot box of democracy - there is a part of bourgeois despises and against the world that allows them to live by standards of wealth and freedom.
These people - even educated, informed and secular - are often conditioned by unexplained ideological prejudices
Amid rebellion that is going through North Africa from the western part of the electorate welcomed uncritically to insurgent they see, rightly as freedom fighters, ignoring the fact that poverty and ignorance are the ideal breeding ground for the growth of religious fundamentalism and the possibility that these brave rebels are able to establish a true democracy in their countries are virtually nil.
The Islamic world has never stopped dreaming the Great Caliphate, where the dogma of religious subjects and a strong influence on civilian life by depriving the individual of freedom more important, to think for themselves. Therefore imagine that Islamic fundamentalism is made out of hand a great opportunity to seize Egypt, Tunisia and Libya and will allow the emergence of democratic governments is nonsense to believe that only those who have a preconceived vision of history and does not accept the harsh reality of things.
If all we in the West, strong for our values \u200b\u200bof freedom and justice but also as advocates aware of our interest, we will not know govern the wave of renewal that Islam is going through the Mediterranean in the coming years we could be regret dictators like Mubarak and Gaddafi as criminals psychos.
So wrote St. Thomas Aquinas in his Summa Theologiae .
that I am not an expert to interpret it the religious doctrines concept of dogma that normally sustains the injury and fundamentalism: "Since we are comparing, by chance or by force, perhaps I will listen but you need to know that whatever say to support your argument you are wrong because I and only I am right! "
It 's a bit what happens during football derby where fans hate and despise the supporters of opposing teams regardless of any logical assessment.
The story, the real one, the one that marks the lives of peoples is not a football game or a lesson in the catechism, but the prejudice, fundamentalism and dogma reduce the political debate and freedom of information to the emptiness of a stupid football derby .
fact, the dogma and fundamentalism are close relatives of indifference, which in turn is the expression of an apparent paralysis of the soul because, by removing the doubt that is the basic thrust of the evolution of Western thought, free will is wrapped in a dimension of premature death. Not
I'm forwarding them in religious concepts, and that I do not know which among other things I care about, I'm just trying to say that speaking in terms politically incorrect there are two categories of individuals: quellochecrede and quellochepensa . What
checrede blindly is deployed on one side - no matter whether of right or left - that the administration concepts and pre-cooked because of this cultural dependency and inability to analysis and opinion is convinced that he is always right and ready to prove it is also infamous for acts such as murder and even genocide. What
chepensa may also be in critical position towards those who are the core values \u200b\u200bof the world they live in and defend that, because it is conscious of the many shortcomings that still live in Western democracies. At the same time is also aware that despite all the Western democracies, often won or imposed by force of arms, are the reality in which a human being if you could choose a priori would be born and live and that for this to be improved, defenses, and export .
The core of the Western democracies is the middle class or if you prefer, the bourgeoisie which is actually non-existent in most Muslim countries, none of which is governed by a true democracy because there are still strong prejudices of caste and wealth. In Pakistan, for example, where there is a growing middle class, educated and increasingly secular the Taliban destroy girls' schools and their teachers strike because they know someone who thinks with his brain - especially if a women - for fundamentalism is more dangerous than a gun.
In the West, and particularly in Italy, while the proletariat is increasingly identified in the values \u200b\u200bof economic and social system of the bourgeoisie - aiming to reinforce the concept through the ballot box of democracy - there is a part of bourgeois despises and against the world that allows them to live by standards of wealth and freedom.
These people - even educated, informed and secular - are often conditioned by unexplained ideological prejudices
Amid rebellion that is going through North Africa from the western part of the electorate welcomed uncritically to insurgent they see, rightly as freedom fighters, ignoring the fact that poverty and ignorance are the ideal breeding ground for the growth of religious fundamentalism and the possibility that these brave rebels are able to establish a true democracy in their countries are virtually nil.
The Islamic world has never stopped dreaming the Great Caliphate, where the dogma of religious subjects and a strong influence on civilian life by depriving the individual of freedom more important, to think for themselves. Therefore imagine that Islamic fundamentalism is made out of hand a great opportunity to seize Egypt, Tunisia and Libya and will allow the emergence of democratic governments is nonsense to believe that only those who have a preconceived vision of history and does not accept the harsh reality of things.
If all we in the West, strong for our values \u200b\u200bof freedom and justice but also as advocates aware of our interest, we will not know govern the wave of renewal that Islam is going through the Mediterranean in the coming years we could be regret dictators like Mubarak and Gaddafi as criminals psychos.
(Antoine Khan)
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
What Does Gray Look Like On Walls?
that is the whole world ... in a small space.
; ;
Whether it's the whole world ...
; ... What is sweet ...
.......Intimo ........
, ... a small space.
; ;
Whether it's the whole world ...
; ... What is sweet ...
.......Intimo ........
, ... a small space.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Book Instead Of Card Baby Shower
"... in practice it had laid a trap. They already knew that we would go there and what we did, so they waited, perhaps hidden in the same houses we had seen from the outside without going because it is forbidden. They have a sense of the war in blood and are not afraid. When it seemed all right and now without any tension and we were going to Blind They started shooting. A fire professionals, short bursts, but continuous and especially targeted and fired from many places. They were shooting from behind the houses where before there were the first inhabitants of the village and we found ourselves cut off by a wall covered with mud. Just head out tiravamo came a volley of shots. The commander was incredibly calm as she spoke on the radio but it was clear we were in a bad position, he told us to move to the left, we were too crowded. I followed the wall, my heart was pounding but I was not afraid. Suddenly, the wall which are never straight, is finished and then there was another wall-line and I found myself in the empty space between the two, the open, I saw four of them advancing to the position I had left to my right. We were surrounded. They had the RPG and were perhaps less than seventy yards from us. It 'lasted all a fraction of the time, they also have seen me and my partner and we shot together, us and them. When I look back I think I see a movie in slow motion, but it's time to shoot lasted about twenty shots with my minimum; three I saw fall quarter with the rocket launcher ran behind the houses. Suddenly they all stopped firing for a few seconds. You could hear the frantic cries from the place where he had escaped the one with the rocket launcher. I could see one of the three that we had hit on the ground, with the white shirt stained with blood, the other two could see them, one seemed to move. You could hear the groans. Then all of a sudden they started playing the guitar of Lynx (cal Browning machine guns. VTLM 12.7 mounted on the Lynx. Ed) . A large casino, the reaction was strong. For me it was the first time. I had no fear, the night I stayed but I was shaking with fatigue. I talked to the chaplain. Do not ever tell this story, is like a black and white film seen long ago. Also that day were not able to trick us. We have tried many other times but have always taken. Many of us say who made the attack by car bomb in the field with us because they always know perso.Vuoi if anything has changed? No. But sometimes I wonder why I ? "
I received many e mail discordant about this piece that has long been in the drawer and public purified reference. problem is always political. The soldiers are "even" humanitarian actions but you must accept the fact that their job is different and that the missions of peace are "inside" conflicts. hide what they do and sanitize the news, as well as be the exact opposite of the concept of democracy is an act of hypocrisy that does not pay and most importantly it is an act of cowardice against soldiers acting on behalf of Parliament and sometimes we let life or even seriously injured. Many Italian soldiers saw their shots go up to the mark and other human beings "fall" and these soldiers have a right to know that the nation understands the weighty moral significance of their commitment. Not recognizing this means accepting the fact that Parliament deemed citizens of the subjects and citizens themselves are happy and satisfied to be treated as such. RAI - the public company paid directly or indirectly by Italian citizens in exchange for information and knowledge - not a program devoted to what happens in Afghanistan and how to live and sometimes die because our kids. The SKY is a foreign company transmits in the clear only to subscribers. This angers me but it makes me understand many things.
Brown Discharge And Spot Bleeding
Now she has a blood and a voice every living thing
[...] Now he has a voice and a blood
every living thing.
; Now the earth and the sky
; have a strong shudder,
; ; hope them torches,
upset them in the morning,
engulfs them at your own pace,
; your breath of dawn. [...]
every living thing.
; Now the earth and the sky
; have a strong shudder,
; ; hope them torches,
upset them in the morning,
engulfs them at your own pace,
; your breath of dawn. [...]
Cesare Pavese *
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Difference Betwen Pearl 765761 Flute
helicopter flying over the area south of Farah was struck by the continual succession of steep and rocky mountains that rise on broad desert plains.
you sense the presence of man from the grooves of ancient caravan routes from the hub faint trail that follows with a look, do you find rare and small groups of houses in the same color of the soil almost invisible already a few hundred meters.
you sense the presence of man from the grooves of ancient caravan routes from the hub faint trail that follows with a look, do you find rare and small groups of houses in the same color of the soil almost invisible already a few hundred meters.
These villages, which are not even marked on maps represent a world still, no longer able to survive based on their criteria and incapacitated thousands of years, poverty and ignorance resulting from illiteracy, to organize a different future.
Only 5% of the Afghan population is literate and live mostly in cities and larger countries that, with their suburbs, receive most of the villagers, estimated at between 30 and 32 million.
This means that there are millions of people human totally left to themselves, cut off from any possibility of economic and social development. The mud buildings in which they live are without water, sanitation, energy sources and are situated in an environment where the temperature drops below zero in winter and in summer reaches and often exceeds 46 degrees.
In these villages the population living in proximity, with very little contact with the outside world, children routinely suffer sexual abuse.
Speaking of the condition of women is useless in this reality, women do not have a condition !
There is no television, radio, telephone, internet, newspapers, health care and education to help overcome the limits of the oppressive and often cruel sharia, the sacred law of Islam, played here in patterns primitive.
These villages are large pools of laborers of the insurgents as well as urban decay, corruption, ignorance and poverty are in certain areas of southern Italy the employment office for organized crime.

ISAF is essential to create channels communication with the population of these villages to gain their confidence and be able to engage in numerous social and economic development projects being implemented by the international community.
To Therefore, in the West Regional Comand operates a special department of the Italian Army, the 28th Regiment Communication Operations Pavia that, despite its name, has its headquarters in Pesaro.
The Pavia is the only Department of the Army and the Italian Armed Forces specializes in so-called "Operational Communications " or PsyOps (Psychological Operations) that can be summed up in all those actions that allow create, improve or consolidate the consent of the local population.
The flight to Vienna Patrol Venice by Gabriele D'Annunzio, the famous launch of leaflets or broadcasts Radio London during the Second World War represent two typical cases of historical and PsyOps.
The task force of Pavia which is based in Herat is made up of about thirty soldiers specialized to carry out their activities are also using methods seemingly overcome, such as ads by speakers or, to reach easily the most distant villages, dissemination of leaflets air.
In this case, the technique of "Pavia" studying the message along with Afghan colleagues and prepare equipment for digital printing on the concept cash to work was entrusted to local firms. The messages printed comics are often made to bridge the gap of illiteracy and are designed in such a way that is clear to those who receive them to recognize the source that generated them.
to address specific topics, the regiment also produces TV commercials and radio that are aired by local radio stations by buying the space.
The mission of the 28th Regiment Pavia in Afghanistan is to develop a positive perception of the Afghan population against the Government and its Armed Forces and explain the role of ISAF forces but also to promote the process of reintegration of insurgents who agree to lay down their arms.
In April 2010 the Regional PsyOps Herat has opened a radio station - Radio Azadi Sada and West (Voice of Freedom) - a program that broadcasts news, contacts and insights into Dari and Pashto, the local languages.
Sada Radio Azadi and West is part of ISAF and the radio network with its frequencies and integration with the web covering the whole of Afghanistan.
It 's a radio station dedicated to information and entertainment with the headings included in a schedule where the music of Afghanistan and in Asia now accounts for 60% of the clock.
operational and technical management is entrusted to the military Pavia's Italian , including elements of the Reserve specialize in communication, and journalists are all Afghans and speak fluent English.
In programs are naturally explains the success of the Afghan security forces against drug trafficking and insurgents, but also the efforts of our military contingent, which often work in harmony with NGOs or with the cooperation of our Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
To facilitate contacts with people living further away from the big cities the soldiers of the Regiment engaged in an activity of Relations Building Items that the distribution of objects that help build relationships like notebooks, pens, brochures, bags and bags, flashlights without batteries, soccer balls and other gadgets, in the case of radio Relations Building Items consist of thousands of transistors that can operate at green energy sunlight or with a crank that drives a dynamo with which you can also load the battery of a mobile phone.
Sada and Radio Azadi and followed, and treated her for the topics (sports, the lives of famous people, life and women's rights, health, childhood) and for the quality the signal for the professionalism with which they process information. In addition the radios distributed by the Regiment Pavia as well as on FM can be tuned to the other wavelengths allowing to listen to other radio stations facilitated the process of analysis and criticism are necessary to provide the consent.
This is also a way to return to Afghanistan within the fold of normalcy .
Certainly it is difficult to establish the meaning and limits of what is normal , but using simple words, one could say that things are beginning to become normal when, as an alternative to terror, violence, abuse, ignorance and misery, they begin rise to new companies (400 in Herat alone) and therefore employment opportunities, open hospitals and clinics but also for banks and consumer credit, the cars are badged, importers are starting to pay customs duties, and especially children girls go to school, you can meet at the cafe and talk about everything, or a shave in a barber shop and buy books and newspapers to read freely. Normality starts even when the issues are resolved in court and not AK47 shots or dagger and created political and trade union representatives and the population is surveyed and provided with identification documents.
All this for us Europeans is normal to the point that we forget the path by which we won.
And if there is a minority in Afghanistan who oppose this normalization with weapons and terror and that is countered by the legitimate government even someone with weapons in Europe says that Afghanistan has been invaded by a coalition of bad, forgetting or ignoring that bad have spoken on a mandate of ' UN.
This is an exemplification of course extreme, but definitely above average knowledge that the Italians - including many Members - have the Afghan situation. A partial
mitigating this disinformation have to accept the fact that our major newspapers and national news a few dedicated spaces stunted and superficial foreign policy and international issues.
operational and technical management is entrusted to the military Pavia's Italian , including elements of the Reserve specialize in communication, and journalists are all Afghans and speak fluent English.
In programs are naturally explains the success of the Afghan security forces against drug trafficking and insurgents, but also the efforts of our military contingent, which often work in harmony with NGOs or with the cooperation of our Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
To facilitate contacts with people living further away from the big cities the soldiers of the Regiment engaged in an activity of Relations Building Items that the distribution of objects that help build relationships like notebooks, pens, brochures, bags and bags, flashlights without batteries, soccer balls and other gadgets, in the case of radio Relations Building Items consist of thousands of transistors that can operate at green energy sunlight or with a crank that drives a dynamo with which you can also load the battery of a mobile phone.
Sada and Radio Azadi and followed, and treated her for the topics (sports, the lives of famous people, life and women's rights, health, childhood) and for the quality the signal for the professionalism with which they process information. In addition the radios distributed by the Regiment Pavia as well as on FM can be tuned to the other wavelengths allowing to listen to other radio stations facilitated the process of analysis and criticism are necessary to provide the consent.
This is also a way to return to Afghanistan within the fold of normalcy .
Certainly it is difficult to establish the meaning and limits of what is normal , but using simple words, one could say that things are beginning to become normal when, as an alternative to terror, violence, abuse, ignorance and misery, they begin rise to new companies (400 in Herat alone) and therefore employment opportunities, open hospitals and clinics but also for banks and consumer credit, the cars are badged, importers are starting to pay customs duties, and especially children girls go to school, you can meet at the cafe and talk about everything, or a shave in a barber shop and buy books and newspapers to read freely. Normality starts even when the issues are resolved in court and not AK47 shots or dagger and created political and trade union representatives and the population is surveyed and provided with identification documents.
All this for us Europeans is normal to the point that we forget the path by which we won.
And if there is a minority in Afghanistan who oppose this normalization with weapons and terror and that is countered by the legitimate government even someone with weapons in Europe says that Afghanistan has been invaded by a coalition of bad, forgetting or ignoring that bad have spoken on a mandate of ' UN.
This is an exemplification of course extreme, but definitely above average knowledge that the Italians - including many Members - have the Afghan situation. A partial
mitigating this disinformation have to accept the fact that our major newspapers and national news a few dedicated spaces stunted and superficial foreign policy and international issues.
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