soon fell dall'EH101 Navy which is about to embark on the gen. Petraeus-Photography Giuseppe Lami |
I brought in my copy of Afghanistan The Great Game of Peter Hopko k, one of the fundamental texts for understanding the Afghanistan-Pakistan and because the 137 000 soldiers representing 48 nations are here for almost 10 years.
The photographer Giuseppe Lami which, along with Daniel and Mirko Polisano Papa, I shared a tent in the cold the FOB Bala BALUK saw my attempts to read, supported by a battery placed on the head and hands that held the book protected by gloves that just surfaced from the sleeping bag, he told me that he had read and was a beautiful book.
A book is a great way to strengthen friendship, especially in a tent in a forward base, rockets for the coveted target of insurgents and so began to tell of our recent travel experiences in the Islamic countries of the confusion, I Swat him and the Balocistan, very close to our tent, just south-southwest, Iran.
Outside there were a few degrees below zero and a warning another likely to rocket attacks against our FOB held by the lagoon of the Serenissima Regiment, little bigger than a football field and protected most of the trigonometric dall'imperizia bombers that other sophisticated warlike.
Back in Farah in a convoy of Lince we left for Herat on board a English Army Cougar helicopter.
Beneath us, through the great doors open, you could see through the images of the Afghan desert described by Hopkirk. Incisions are evident as the grooves of the caravan, which for millennia have constituted the road junction between the East and the Far 'West Mediterranean, were the only form of man-made but now incorporated into the natural landscape. Gurd breathtaking scenery I intercepted the disappointment of Giuseppe Lami as he pointed with a look at the English gunners, more careful to check that the ground below us. All Spaniards in Afghanistan have in fact received strict orders to prohibit the use of cameras and cameras on board their vehicles as well as strict orders to avoid any possible contact with the armed insurgents , also to help allies : If someone starts to shoot anyone, throttle and exit strategy!
Giuseppe Lami as he embarks on the English-Cougar Pictures Daniel Papa / Cybernaua |
Moreover we knew from previous experience that you can not photograph, film or interview a English soldier, but also hinder the landscape of film made us laugh.
The reason for this complaint type Franco is very clear: the English soldiers in Afghanistan are not in Spain but nobody talks about it, the Zapatero government in Afghanistan is a problem of other does not want to alienate fundamentalism of the left which, because of biased and dogmatic intolerance of democracy, could easily team up with Islamic fundamentalism.
In Afghanistan, some 1,600 English soldiers are concentrated mostly at Camp Arena in Herat where he has his headquarters in the Regional Command West, whose leadership was entrusted to Brigadier General of the Italian Marcello Bellacicco Julia and they depend on about 7600 men among the Italians, Americans, Albanians, Lithuanians, Croats, e. .. English.
Spaniards should mentorizzare the Afghan military to enable them to check the area of \u200b\u200bBadghis, where the border with Turkmenistan, the insurgents operate with violent efficiency and instead cover a totally marginal role to meet the tight caveat Zapateros imposed by the government, which prevents them not only to participate in military action in support of allies or the Afghans, but also to give them support if required and necessary to talk with the press and especially Italian!
Brigadier General Commander of Marcello Bellacicco RCW Daniel Papa-Photo / Cybernaua |
The Italians though with caveats quite narrow went into action several times to pull out of scrapes Afghan American e. .. English! With U.S. assistance, in particular, we exchange constantly, as we have seen in person by flying with American helicopters without any restrictions or filming Gen. David Petraeus on Christmas day off from his Bakwa C130 and get on board a Navy EH 101 since I had just fallen, along with my colleagues and onto which we had photographed and filmed almost everything!
The U.S. military in fact are totally available to the media almost always because they enjoy the full support of the Government and the nation but also because they know that their public opinion justifies an error, even serious, but not a lie if properly managed and the communication becomes a pillar of democracy.
In part, this is also true for Italy.
Our Armed Forces in a few years have become much more willing and open to the press and information and not only that Journal of major publishers.
Since it was suspended Lever Italian soldiers have been found to enjoy the support of the nation, in a poll, puts its armed forces in the first place among the institutions for efficiency and credibility.
But sometimes events happen that confirm that something in the relationship between politics and the Armed Forces is still not working well, as evidenced by the somewhat 'clumsy which has been treated in many ways the story of Corporal Matthew Miotto , to which I add a small marginal episode that happened to me during the visit of President of the Senate Schifani in Herat on 24 December.
Our Armed Forces in a few years have become much more willing and open to the press and information and not only that Journal of major publishers.
Since it was suspended Lever Italian soldiers have been found to enjoy the support of the nation, in a poll, puts its armed forces in the first place among the institutions for efficiency and credibility.
But sometimes events happen that confirm that something in the relationship between politics and the Armed Forces is still not working well, as evidenced by the somewhat 'clumsy which has been treated in many ways the story of Corporal Matthew Miotto , to which I add a small marginal episode that happened to me during the visit of President of the Senate Schifani in Herat on 24 December.
sbianchettatura The flag with the image of Savoy - still concocted - is a miserable thing , or stuff from top ministry official, however, the KGB and symptoms of un'acerba knowledge of communication and a sense of ill-digested democracy: only insecure and the weak are afraid of history, which can not be deleted for reasons of false modesty or even less to career expectations. I do not know if the corporal had Miotto monarchist or if he has drawn the flag in honor of his grandfather, who made the war when there was the Kingdom of Italy and which somehow directs his beautiful letter. Probably doing it wrong - but I still have not figured out how and why - but those who have cleared with his digital sbianchettatore is more dangerous to the democracy of the historical relic exhibited with joy and satisfaction by Matthew and certainly not to offend the Republic to which has sworn allegiance, and that the servant has died.
Herat January 1, 2011 - The Alpine carry the coffin of Julia Matteo Miotto on C130 to Rome-Daniel Photography Papagni / Cybernaua |
How he died Matteo ? At first they said hit by a sniper, then during a combat ... These half-lies have already started to run and now it is said to have been killed by fire Italian, by U.S. planes, who committed suicide that ... that .... that.
kindergarten course of communication one learns quickly that the confusion and lack of clarity generate distrust and rejection, and call into warning that a credibility built on decades of continuous respect for the truth can be destroyed by a half-lie mishandled.
write of these things gives me some trouble and I prefer to remember the tears I held back with difficulty when I saw the body of Matthew wrapped in the flag while being downloaded from the Black Hawk in arms because that was the important moment of this whole ugly story, with our flag and that of the base mezzasta and faces of the soldiers present, people hard, with a number of missions on their shoulders, their faces drawn with tears held .
This story of half-truth or half lie increased the pain of everyone, even those who have not accepted the war have a great respect for those who freely take charge of tough tasks, head held high, knowing the risk to pay with their lives for loyalty to the institutions and values \u200b\u200bthey believe.
Hiding behind a finger is an act of cowardice, away from the concept of democracy and freedom that a young person can also express displaying the flag of his grandfather because we are the fruit of our history, for better or for worse, that Like it or not.
The other episode, marginal but significant the manner in which the power to manage communication and a few days earlier.
December 24 arrived in Herat Senate President Schifani with a retinue of journalists, politicians . ; He made a speech off the cuff that I have found sincere and devoid of rhetoric, then held a conference with the journalists after speaking to all other things, this very Italian in a style that I can not understand: when the Our institutional representatives have been sent abroad on an official visit talking about the homegrown political wrangling, perhaps because they think they are still at the center of world or to give more importance to their words!
Schifani After the conference the President had lunch at the table of our base in Herat, sitting at the table eating the food and the commander of the soldiers, as we have seen it done many times on TV to Clinton, Bush, Obama, Blair ...
I loved this and so I approached the table and I asked the President if I could take back the scene, in my view, very democratic and a winner in terms of communication. Schifani accepted but I could not do the shooting, nor have I been able to explain why I wanted to do.
E 'operative spokesperson of the President who, in very nice, told me he did not like me to do that shot ...
(Antonello Tiracchia)
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