Saturday, December 4, 2010

Dark Stool But Only When Drinking


The Afghanistan of the Taliban that the civilized world has taken with weapons of Enduring Freedom, had not been a but a territory at the mercy of a strict interpretation of shari'a applied with extreme cruelty and that in his political vision replace any other form of administrative structure, legal, social and military.

Immediately after loya jirga , the Grand Assembly of Afghan tribes, which led to the formation of the interim government of Hamid Karzai, born of the need to create a body police, according to the canons of the German Lander , could regain control of the legal and administrative provinces. The organization and training of this fact was given to police until 2007 just to Germany.

soon became clear that such a structure is insufficient to fight both drug trafficking as the ruthless terror that insurgents are continuing to reserve all those who feel guilty to talk with the infidels.
The insurgents spotted the weak point of the grid the new Republican government in its police of German law does not adequately prepared to conduct real military action, that from January 2007 to September 2008, lost 1165 men well, compared to the 420 of the nascent Afghan army.

was to then clear that the only way to normalize the territory and to return home as soon as the quotas of the NATO coalition was to accelerate the establishment of an efficient army and motivated to delegate progressively military actions and effective control of territory and boundaries.
very complicated undertaking.
The social structure in Afghanistan is in fact for centuries based on the concepts of wealth and ironclad caste, within which, for example, was virtually impossible that a Hazara could give an order to a Pashtun.
Perhaps for this reason, despite a centuries-long history of wars also victorious but always conducted at the tribal, Afghanistan and the middle of last century had no real army in the institutional sense of the word.
Prime Minister of the time, Mohammad Daoud Khan brother in law of King Zahir Shah, and Pashtun like him in the '50s he turned to the Soviet Union for the establishment of an Afghan army with the declared aim of regaining militarily Pashtun tribal territories remained within the borders of the newly formed Pakistan, designed in 1947 by the British at the time of the split with India.

Since then, the Afghan army became protagonist in the social and political history of Afghanistan, after the defeat of the Red Army, has followed the labor and then literally evaporate during the Taliban regime.
This scenario is part of the project OMLT:
transfer as soon as possible control of the territory by the armed forces ISAF Afghanistan National Army ( ANA), as was emphasized during the last NATO Summit in Lisbon, 19 and 20 November 2010. In these two days it was determined that the coalition's military action in Afghanistan is transient ANA for the transfer of necessary skills to control and land management, leading to 170 000 elements the size of the Afghan armed forces. All this while respecting the current ethnic quotas providing 44% of Pashtuns, Tajiks 31%, 11% of Hazaras, Uzbeks 9% and 5% of military personnel from other smaller groups .

In practical terms means insisting on the organization and training of an army of 170,000 soldiers, respecting the representativeness of the Afghan people, both loyal to the government and can lead military operations, along with Western armed forces initially and then independently.
The fledgling Afghan force was now divided into five corps, each of which fitted into one of five areas in which the military is divided Afghanistan.

Italy, which has command in Herat in the western sector (Regional Command-West), consisting of soldiers of a dozen nations, has, among other tasks, that of " mentorizzare" the 207th Afghan Army Corps.
But what exactly do the mentors Italians, and especially those who are they?
The task is to teach the OMLT ( teach ), lead ( coach ) and supervised ( mentor ) the staff of 'ANA in the planning, organization and implementation of both training activities and operational field; the popular saying "let us arm ourselves and games," in this case became "we are arming to go together ".
For this reason, Mentors not only alongside their peers during the training phase and management, but also by their side during combat operations in the field.

Colonel Alpini Silvio Zagli dell'OMLT is the commander of Regional Command West, based in Camp Stone, forty miles from Herat.
under him there are currently about 300 soldiers among Italians, Spaniards and Americans who, according to the new NATO strategy should become the next 400 months.
In OMLT are all military specialties that the Army, when equipped with the necessary requirements, before leaving to follow several courses and training.
In Italy the task of forming tion of mentors defers to the Alpine Training Centre of Aosta preparatory to a further period at the Joint Readiness Center in Hohenfels in Multinationational Germany, which hosts lessons related to the Military Decision Making Process and practical activities such as field convoy operations, search, hambush and other tactics of conduct.

This is the first time that the Italian Armed Forces are called upon to perform such a task, and our military found this exciting and unique experience despite the very heavy commitment and risks they are exposed.
Operational activities of the mentors is not easy, because first of all need to understand the mentality of the Afghan soldiers without groped to change customs and traditions, and above all without falling into an easy opposition between the West and the eastern one.

Lamacchia Along with Colonel Pierce, officer contacts with the press, I had the opportunity to interview at Camp Stone General Jalandar Shah Behnam commander of the 207th Afghan Army Corps:
"There are many changes, since they begin ISAF operations in Afghanistan ... ...
the Taliban were a threat to the government and society, and people had no rights. ISAF has helped the Parliament and the Government, strengthening security in the country and beginning to create some stability in the people and faith in their own rights.
The work performed alongside the Italian Task Force gives excellent results: Afghan and Italian are a team in which the two components are connected and united.
For us it is also something gratifying to see how the various ethnic groups, particularly Pashtuns and Tajiks, who were previously contrasted now nell'ANA, find the meeting place to contribute to the development and strengthening of their country. "

I then witnessed an exercise of a battalion of Afghan artillery mentorizzato by the Italian military, which still has the old Soviet howitzers and heterogeneous as in the age of its members and their level of preparation and education.
E 'was a very positive, almost gratifying for my nationalism, see the professionalism and credibility of our military at work despite the difficulties and discomfort of living for a year away from home in a military camp in a constant state of alarm addressing problems of all kinds, including the question of language: in fact, all communications to the Afghans take place through an interpreter that translates from English into Pashto or to dari because there are interpreters who know Italian, which is why all of our soldiers have acquired sufficient knowledge of English, de facto official language of NATO.
addition armaments Afghans are still largely from the Soviet arsenal, and as strong and essential are outdated and significantly different from those in the West, including in employment and no now manuals and spare parts.

The first to Brigade 207 Corps Afghan Army was the first department OMLT trained by the Italians to get the certification makes the brigade, capable of working independently and in terms of combat logistic support.
a great success for NATO, but also for Italy.
For these results, the NATO has decided to continue to support the significant economic costs for this project and to postpone until 2014 the withdrawal of the bulk of the troops, thus reaffirming the concept that the role of NATO troops is not to pursue a military victory on the field as to create security parameters for the necessary economic and social development.

addition to Army mentors in Afghanistan by a task force of the Guardia di Finanza, Grifo called for the establishment of a border police and a large group of Carabinieri who have so far trained more than 4,000 members of the Afghan police received public praise for this by the same U.S. General David H. Petraeus, commander in chief of all armed forces present in Afghanistan.

After a year of collaboration between the mentors and mentorizzati , create relationships of respect and even friendship strengthened by the fact that they share with the risks of missions field.
currently in Afghanistan's armed forces and police are the only institutions in widespread over most of the territory with tasks that go beyond those typical of the military.
The possibility of the armed forces or the police is also for the Afghan youth a great opportunity for social growth and economic security. Although these elements is based on the strategy of the coalition.

The Afghan history teaches us how to mythology, was born in antiquity through universal symbols to respond to the perennial questions of man can be help to reshape the future of a people in distress for too many years.
course, all this means for the West to accept large financial costs and the possibility of losing on the field more young lives of soldiers; the alternative is indifference.

Antonello Tiracchia
( in drafting Francesca Vinciguerra)


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