Friday, December 31, 2010

What Are The Cost Of Skiing


Photography Giuseppe Lami
Yesterday evening after dinner in the canteen at Camp Arena, (they were the 20 local time, three hours and a half later the Italian time) this morning because I was finalizing its preparations as planned I had to take off for the Gulistan embedded in the 7th Alpini Regiment.
On the basis had already declined an air of sadness at the news of a Alpimo killed by a sniper, of which the media had already spread the name.
So an hour later I found myself waiting at the airport in Herat, the body of Corporal Matteo Miotto, Alpine of the 7th Regiment Alpini Brigade Julia, who is arrived on board a U.S. helicopter, escorted by another helicopter.
other climbers have downloaded the body wrapped in a flag tricolor in an eerie silence acquit the cold and darkness of the airport.
was opened immediately after the funeral hall in Italy 150.

The ceremony was simple but full of sacredness and I was deeply moved, creating a memory so strong that it probably never forget.
This was my New Year's 2011 in Herat, Afghanistan.

Photography Giuseppe Lami
This is letter that Matthew has sent in October to the Mayor of Thiene who has read City Council during the commemoration of November 4.
The style and the sensitivity that remains has become a cult document.
I invite you to read it and spread it.

I want to thank my behalf, but especially on behalf of all our military mission, who we want to hear and not worthy of his thoughts only in sad occasions such as when the flag wraps four alpine died doing their duty. They run

days in which identity and values \u200b\u200bseem outdated, suffocated by a reality that denies us the time to think about what we are, where we are, what we belong ...

These unfortunate people of earth, where corruption dominates, where control is not only governments but also still the clan leaders, these people have managed to preserve their roots after leading armies, the largest armies marched on their homes in vain. The essence of the Afghan people are living, their traditions are repeated unchanged, we may feel bad, archaic, but from thousands years have remained unchanged. People who are born, live and die for the sake of their roots, their land and it feeds on. Then you realize that this strange people from strange habits sometimes has something to teach us too.

As every day we leave for a patrol. As we approach our means Lynx, before going out, looking down, a gesture of superstitious ritual, signs of the cross ... In armored vehicles, indoors, not a word. Only the radio that we update on possible insurgents spotted on possible areas for ambushes, nothing in the air ... Aware that the soil of Afghanistan is littered with homemade bombs ready to explode with the passage of six tons of our Lynx.

We are the first half of the column, each meter may be the last, but not think about it. The head is too busy to notice something unusual in the ground, we are finally on the outskirts of the village ...

we are greeted by children who become ten twenty, thirty, we were surrounded, put her hand to his mouth already know what they want: they're hungry ...

Look at them: they are barefoot, wearing a rag dress that eye has been more than a brother or sister ... Of their fathers and their mothers even the shadow, the village, our village, is a bustle of children who have all the air was not there to play ...

them are not by chance, have four, five years, larger than ten, and with them a pile of brushwood. Then look carefully under the brush there is a donkey, overloaded, brings the harvest, are working ... and elder brothers, is meant not more than fourteen with a flock leaving stunned even our Alpine Sardinian people of goats and sheep knows something ...

Behind the windows of the huts of mud and hay an adult is watching us, you give the bearded sixty seventy years and then discover that it has maximum thirty ... Even the shadow of women, those few that are slow to return to our arrival in the village wear the full burqa: there will be forty degrees in the shade ...

little that we leave him here with us. Each before leaving for a patrol must know well to fill their pockets and half with water and food: some will not serve us ... Then we say that we have changed the Alpine ...

I remember when my grandfather talked about the war: "Bocia bad thing, lucky that you do not you ever vedarè ..." And here I am, Gulistan Valley, central Afghanistan, that strange hat on his head with the pen that us is a sacred mountain. If you could hear me, I'd say "seen, grandfather, that you you will Sbai ..."

Corporal Matthew Miotto

Thiene (Vicenza) - Valley of the Gulistan, November 2010

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Marinate For Deer Sirloin Roast

wishes for a 2011 full of ...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Aspartame Withdrawal How Long


In January this year a friend has repeatedly called for my presence at dinner because he wanted to introduce myself a person very interested in my video against petrolizzazione Abruzzo.
I accepted the invitation, with a great (and expensive) restaurant in Pescara, where the friend of my acquaintance was clearly at home.
This character, from now on I will call for the sake of narrative "Smurf" was everything to make nice openly flaunting the symbols of his status, gold watch, the German car of course and black with tinted windows and the ever-divided by commis d'affaire high board: pinstripe suit, but with conspicuously shirt open at the neck of a bull sanctified the baroque gold crucifix.
Despite his familiarity with the menu and wine list, chosen on the basis of price, Smurf had obvious difficulty in managing his fork with his left hand he used to impale the bread instead of white ignorance, while still talking, chewing.
It reminded me of the speck of Albanian politics.
We started a general conversation, asked me how I had spent Christmas and when I told him that I had been on a military base in Lebanon UNIFIL with our soldiers responded with these words: I also love Africa, I always go to Sharm el Sheik .. .
Another gem of the evening was when I pointed out that as an Abruzzese Corradino D'Ascanio was virtually unknown to the Abruzzi and in fact he asked me who he was. To simplify
told him that and he was the inventor of the helicopter, talking, laughing and chewing at the same time he said: A I, I fly on those things we mica, there I care about my life !
Then I spoke of Pescara Calcio Virtus Lanciano and so well handled by two beautiful girls Abruzzo and when he realized that I felt no interest in football and that unfortunately did not know who were these two beautiful Abruzzo looked at me with pity, highlighting a lack of association with dental offices.

Then came to the point: we were there for dinner because he was very impressed by the beauty of my movies for oil (sic) and was especially impressed with a never defined President, to the point that this president wanted to entrust an important task to produce a beautiful movies or Abruzzo. But the president could not do it publicly, because otherwise they would be exposed and everyone would have thought it did favoritism, so the president had instructed him, Smurf, to bring the issue forward.

He asked me what car I had, looked carefully at my swatch from 70 €, noting that wrinkled her nose on my shirt slightly open living under a cashmere sweater, did not appear any chain or necklace with Christ and the saints and when we parted almost looked with apprehension on my leather jacket worn by time and I love to be at least twenty years as Linus loves his blanket.

After a few days ago he called me saying he would come to Lancaster and we should definitely meet because had some wonderful news for me.

fish restaurant, this time only two of us, the usual chatter and the second bottle of Pecorino change the tone and go to you.
Antonio, but a good one as you understand that you are doing all this mess because he knows where he wants to go.

Why, where are we heading? ask him.

Anton but I promise you at this time 25 000 €, that's right, twenty five thousand euro - marking the number and repeatedly beating his chest on the left, where there is also the heart and the wallet - the would do away with bullshit is that oil is ruining the image of Abruzzo in the world, along with invasive de America?
But you've put into your head? That's un'invasata and it is in America and Okay but you're a smart, if he understands, and 25 000 € you want to make movies!

I had suspected from the outset that this was his goal, but his output so direct and I had the misery of the displaced.
I thought a little, I poured a bit of cheese from the second bottle just opened and rearranged the ideas I answered: 25 000 €
These are just a nice way to start our collaboration, the first installment needed to strengthen the Movement ( New Civic Way) and turn it into an instrument much stronger at home and arranged to send a political class made up of people miserable greedy, corrupt, corrupt and ignorant.

Lunch virtually ended there because Smurf stood up with the second bottle of Pecorino just begun, no dessert, coffee and coffee kills. I would have liked to say that I had started to make movies against and not for the oil Abruzzo after hearing a lecture by quell'invasata de American oil and that this story somehow had changed my life and the meaning of my life in Abruzzo, but I have not had the time. But I had the cold to recall when he was already at the door to tell him that I was not going to pay that account: angry and embarrassed to see him come back to check with the restaurant falls silent, I unconcealed joy shone out a child.

I often think that bottle of Pecorino Pasetti almost entirely and abandoned on the table and I also think of this story because I am a very beautiful Abruzzo Abruzzo filmstrip in particular on its political class, I would just do.
And maybe someday I will, and this is not a dream, is a threat.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Dark Stool But Only When Drinking


The Afghanistan of the Taliban that the civilized world has taken with weapons of Enduring Freedom, had not been a but a territory at the mercy of a strict interpretation of shari'a applied with extreme cruelty and that in his political vision replace any other form of administrative structure, legal, social and military.

Immediately after loya jirga , the Grand Assembly of Afghan tribes, which led to the formation of the interim government of Hamid Karzai, born of the need to create a body police, according to the canons of the German Lander , could regain control of the legal and administrative provinces. The organization and training of this fact was given to police until 2007 just to Germany.

soon became clear that such a structure is insufficient to fight both drug trafficking as the ruthless terror that insurgents are continuing to reserve all those who feel guilty to talk with the infidels.
The insurgents spotted the weak point of the grid the new Republican government in its police of German law does not adequately prepared to conduct real military action, that from January 2007 to September 2008, lost 1165 men well, compared to the 420 of the nascent Afghan army.

was to then clear that the only way to normalize the territory and to return home as soon as the quotas of the NATO coalition was to accelerate the establishment of an efficient army and motivated to delegate progressively military actions and effective control of territory and boundaries.
very complicated undertaking.
The social structure in Afghanistan is in fact for centuries based on the concepts of wealth and ironclad caste, within which, for example, was virtually impossible that a Hazara could give an order to a Pashtun.
Perhaps for this reason, despite a centuries-long history of wars also victorious but always conducted at the tribal, Afghanistan and the middle of last century had no real army in the institutional sense of the word.
Prime Minister of the time, Mohammad Daoud Khan brother in law of King Zahir Shah, and Pashtun like him in the '50s he turned to the Soviet Union for the establishment of an Afghan army with the declared aim of regaining militarily Pashtun tribal territories remained within the borders of the newly formed Pakistan, designed in 1947 by the British at the time of the split with India.

Since then, the Afghan army became protagonist in the social and political history of Afghanistan, after the defeat of the Red Army, has followed the labor and then literally evaporate during the Taliban regime.
This scenario is part of the project OMLT:
transfer as soon as possible control of the territory by the armed forces ISAF Afghanistan National Army ( ANA), as was emphasized during the last NATO Summit in Lisbon, 19 and 20 November 2010. In these two days it was determined that the coalition's military action in Afghanistan is transient ANA for the transfer of necessary skills to control and land management, leading to 170 000 elements the size of the Afghan armed forces. All this while respecting the current ethnic quotas providing 44% of Pashtuns, Tajiks 31%, 11% of Hazaras, Uzbeks 9% and 5% of military personnel from other smaller groups .

In practical terms means insisting on the organization and training of an army of 170,000 soldiers, respecting the representativeness of the Afghan people, both loyal to the government and can lead military operations, along with Western armed forces initially and then independently.
The fledgling Afghan force was now divided into five corps, each of which fitted into one of five areas in which the military is divided Afghanistan.

Italy, which has command in Herat in the western sector (Regional Command-West), consisting of soldiers of a dozen nations, has, among other tasks, that of " mentorizzare" the 207th Afghan Army Corps.
But what exactly do the mentors Italians, and especially those who are they?
The task is to teach the OMLT ( teach ), lead ( coach ) and supervised ( mentor ) the staff of 'ANA in the planning, organization and implementation of both training activities and operational field; the popular saying "let us arm ourselves and games," in this case became "we are arming to go together ".
For this reason, Mentors not only alongside their peers during the training phase and management, but also by their side during combat operations in the field.

Colonel Alpini Silvio Zagli dell'OMLT is the commander of Regional Command West, based in Camp Stone, forty miles from Herat.
under him there are currently about 300 soldiers among Italians, Spaniards and Americans who, according to the new NATO strategy should become the next 400 months.
In OMLT are all military specialties that the Army, when equipped with the necessary requirements, before leaving to follow several courses and training.
In Italy the task of forming tion of mentors defers to the Alpine Training Centre of Aosta preparatory to a further period at the Joint Readiness Center in Hohenfels in Multinationational Germany, which hosts lessons related to the Military Decision Making Process and practical activities such as field convoy operations, search, hambush and other tactics of conduct.

This is the first time that the Italian Armed Forces are called upon to perform such a task, and our military found this exciting and unique experience despite the very heavy commitment and risks they are exposed.
Operational activities of the mentors is not easy, because first of all need to understand the mentality of the Afghan soldiers without groped to change customs and traditions, and above all without falling into an easy opposition between the West and the eastern one.

Lamacchia Along with Colonel Pierce, officer contacts with the press, I had the opportunity to interview at Camp Stone General Jalandar Shah Behnam commander of the 207th Afghan Army Corps:
"There are many changes, since they begin ISAF operations in Afghanistan ... ...
the Taliban were a threat to the government and society, and people had no rights. ISAF has helped the Parliament and the Government, strengthening security in the country and beginning to create some stability in the people and faith in their own rights.
The work performed alongside the Italian Task Force gives excellent results: Afghan and Italian are a team in which the two components are connected and united.
For us it is also something gratifying to see how the various ethnic groups, particularly Pashtuns and Tajiks, who were previously contrasted now nell'ANA, find the meeting place to contribute to the development and strengthening of their country. "

I then witnessed an exercise of a battalion of Afghan artillery mentorizzato by the Italian military, which still has the old Soviet howitzers and heterogeneous as in the age of its members and their level of preparation and education.
E 'was a very positive, almost gratifying for my nationalism, see the professionalism and credibility of our military at work despite the difficulties and discomfort of living for a year away from home in a military camp in a constant state of alarm addressing problems of all kinds, including the question of language: in fact, all communications to the Afghans take place through an interpreter that translates from English into Pashto or to dari because there are interpreters who know Italian, which is why all of our soldiers have acquired sufficient knowledge of English, de facto official language of NATO.
addition armaments Afghans are still largely from the Soviet arsenal, and as strong and essential are outdated and significantly different from those in the West, including in employment and no now manuals and spare parts.

The first to Brigade 207 Corps Afghan Army was the first department OMLT trained by the Italians to get the certification makes the brigade, capable of working independently and in terms of combat logistic support.
a great success for NATO, but also for Italy.
For these results, the NATO has decided to continue to support the significant economic costs for this project and to postpone until 2014 the withdrawal of the bulk of the troops, thus reaffirming the concept that the role of NATO troops is not to pursue a military victory on the field as to create security parameters for the necessary economic and social development.

addition to Army mentors in Afghanistan by a task force of the Guardia di Finanza, Grifo called for the establishment of a border police and a large group of Carabinieri who have so far trained more than 4,000 members of the Afghan police received public praise for this by the same U.S. General David H. Petraeus, commander in chief of all armed forces present in Afghanistan.

After a year of collaboration between the mentors and mentorizzati , create relationships of respect and even friendship strengthened by the fact that they share with the risks of missions field.
currently in Afghanistan's armed forces and police are the only institutions in widespread over most of the territory with tasks that go beyond those typical of the military.
The possibility of the armed forces or the police is also for the Afghan youth a great opportunity for social growth and economic security. Although these elements is based on the strategy of the coalition.

The Afghan history teaches us how to mythology, was born in antiquity through universal symbols to respond to the perennial questions of man can be help to reshape the future of a people in distress for too many years.
course, all this means for the West to accept large financial costs and the possibility of losing on the field more young lives of soldiers; the alternative is indifference.

Antonello Tiracchia
( in drafting Francesca Vinciguerra)

Cute Outfits To Wear At Disneyworld


. .. What to Mentor in the body and voice
resemblance, the great goddess of Athens.
Odyssey, Book XXIV

The history and symbolism of Greek mythology are studied with great attention to military schools around the world, in fact the dynamics that affect conflict are the same for millennia. To win on the battlefield are still needed, the destructive force of Ares combined intervention of Athena, whose cunning is essential to win the peace.
Athena is not only the goddess of wisdom who is credited with the invention of many of the techniques that men exploit to improve the quality of life, but is also the goddess of war, dedicated to influence more subtle and complex business of war as strategy, training el ' intelligence.
The goddess also has the ability to change appearance depending on who wants to help in its victorious path, for example, turns to Mentor to give courage to Telemachus, and then encourage it in the last cunning and violent scenes Odyssey.
Ulysses, for those who do not remember, before leaving for the Trojan War has entrusted the education of his son Telemachus to Mentor, King of Tafi, the population of the Aegean that mythology tells us consists of thieves and pirates.
These aspects of Hellenic mythology has certainly inspired people, the Pentagon has developed the training the Afghan army by the Department of OMLT (Operational Mentoring Liaison Team), which has become the main instrument the commitment of the ISAF coalition. There is probably a link between the cunning of Tafi and the tribal mentality of that area of \u200b\u200bAsia that sees the deception and violating the word a positive quality. It is a mindset rooted and completely different from the West, but that should not be rejected a priori, but considered very carefully as teaches the history of the conflicts that for three centuries there have been over these territories .

Italy is not in Afghanistan to the personal whim of some minister warmonger, but to normalize - along with 47 other states on the 201 that make up the political geography of the planet - the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan with the full backing of our Parliament and the UN on an international warrant.
Normalize a word is bureaucratic and not very pretty, but it helps to remember that after 15 years of theocracy Taliban Afghanistan in 2002 had a literacy rate of less than 5% and was in last place, worldwide, in all indices on health, respect for civil rights, equal opportunity, religious and ethnic tolerance, life expectancy, economic development and in first place in regard to violence and corruption.
The Afghanistan we removed the Taliban is also the place where almost a million people to survive, they are still more or less involved in opium cultivation.
The proceeds are used to fund Islamic fundamentalism has few but very clear objectives writes Abu Hamza al-Muhajir proclaimed leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq n el his book " Power belongs only to Allah." The text is translated into Italian by Imam Carmagnola and published on its website :
" Oh Muslim monotheists, oh Mujahideen across the world ... We announce today the end of a stage of Jihad and 'beginning of a new important phase, inaugurating the project of the establishment of the Islamic Caliphate, to restore Islam's glory.
Oh monotheists ... Proclaim the Good News ... By Allah, we do not rest from Jihad that once the shade of the trees of Rome, after having blown up the House of impure, called the White House. "

For ' Islamic fundamentalism history stopped in 1683, when he began the inexorable decline of the Ottoman Empire finally disappeared in 1922.
incredible coincidence has it that on September 11, 1683 The Battle of Vienna - a city defined by the Muslims "The Golden Apple" - 65 000 battle in which Christians had the better of more than 200 000 Muslims who fled pursued by the cavalry of John III Sobieski, king of Poland.
The Battle of Vienna in the West is now almost forgotten, while Islamic fundamentalism seems to be a wound still open and continues to fuel hatred against the West fundamentalist.
This varied background helps us better understand the role that mentors have in Afghanistan today.
Antonello Tiracchia
( in drafting Francesca Vinciguerra)